Alfred (The Cat)

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Damian stroked The felines fur gently and softly. Hearing the exotic creature purr underneath his hand. He tapped the cats nose as it shut its eyes melting into the touch.

Damian craddled the feline like a small child, with such love and compassion. 

But when Alfred the cat started jumping out of his arms and meowing incessantly at Respawn, Damian knew that something was up. He watched as his twin brother anxiously shifted on the chair, casting terrified glances at the cat as it rubbed its fuzzy body against his leg.

"What's wrong with you?" Damian asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. 

"Why is the cat so interested in you?"

Respawn shot him a look, clearly annoyed. "I don't know, Damian. Maybe you should ask the cat."

But the more the cat meowed and circled around Respawn's chair, the more concerned Damian became. He knew there was something deeper at play here, and he was determined to find out what it was.

So, he decided to do a little investigating. He followed Alfred the cat as it wandered around the room, meowing occasionally as it went. The cat mainly lingered around Respawn.

Somehow it found its way onto his lap and Respawn noticable flinched and hitched his breath.

Damian smiled micheviously, realizing what was going on and how enjoying the predicament was. 

"Are you seriously afraid of cats?"

Respawn's swiftly caught damians gaze with a flushed expression. 

"No! Definately not. Why would you even think that?" He defended.

Damian raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because the cat won't stop meowing at you, and you keep giving it looks like your praying it wont kill you"

Respawn sighed heavily with fustrartion. "Fine, maybe I am- skeptical of cats. Not afraid. In my defence You never know what kind of stuff their up to"

Damian grinned knowing this was something he could tease him wbout for years, It wouldnt be Respawn bringing up him tripping 7 times a day anymore. It will be him mentioning his phobia of cats. What a perfect payback.

 "I wont question it" But I sure as hell will tease you about it

Damian paused for a moment concealing all traces of a smile before continuing, 

"Unless, of course, you want some help getting over your fear."

Respawn raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Help?"

Damian smirked mischievously before scooping up the kitten in his arms. 

"Let's just say we may need some more "visits" from Alfred the cat. He seems to have taken a liking to you"

Damian then attempted to place the meowing cat in respawns arms, he kept inching away with fear written on his face

"ₚₗₑₐₛₑ ₙₒ " he managed to squeak out sucking in his breath as he was face to face with a cat.

He REALLY attempted to stay calm and remember that 

"Cats are just good hunters not evil masterminds"

As he did that He knew that this was the last time he ever admitted anything to Damian. Damian would feed on that fear like the evil vampire he is. Scratch that hes not a vampire hes a brat for that.

Damian watched grant silently act calm even though hes probably panicking inside. He honestly coud have never predicted that. Maybe him and Respawn are different. 

They dont always share the same common points and thats okay, Damian loves him anyway.


If u guys havent noticed, Respawn acts more like a kid around Jason & Rose then anyone else.

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