Tigress is HOT!?

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"What do you wanna watch?" Nika plopped down beside him. Movie night was the closest thing to a date for them two. Cause they DEFINATELY arent dating.

"I dont know...You?" Damian shuffled the blankets off of him a bit.

"Uhhh Naruto?" Nika suggested with a tilted head.

"Connor made me watch it already" He sighed.

"Okay okay..." She held a hand up and then thought "Pokemon?"

"We Watched that last time" Damian reminded

"Kung Fu Panda?"

"I watched them all" 

"Latest one?" Nika wiggled her brows in a goofy manner.

"No, not yet." Damian shook his head

"Then thats what we're watching!"


After accidently dropping the remote, finding batterys, then dropping it again.....Here they finally were watching Kung Fu Panda 4.

"My fathers definately shifu. Child endangerment at its finest" Damian deadpanned while Nika seemed estatic.

"Look! See! I dont get how he cant solo Tigress by now!" Nika exclaimed, shoving popcorn into her mouth.

"Shes a skilled warrior" Damian said in a somewhat, biased tone.

"But hes the Dragon Warrior!"

"And shes Tigress" Damian shrugged.

"I dont understand this. Whats so special bout her that isnt about Po?!?" Nika paused the show and turned to Damian. Obviously awaiting an answer.

 "Yeah Pos great and all" Damian twirled his hand in a 'Yeah whatever. Nothing new' kinda way.

"But...?" Nika raised a brow at that.

"I mean, whats so special about her that isnt about the literal Dragon WARRIOR!"

"Well, Tigress is kinda hot"

Nika went ridgid. "Excuse me" She gritted out. Next thing he knows shes smashing the screen. Like....Hardcore. while screeching like a maniac. Damian raises a brow and watches in confusion and slight fear. Fuck, his girlfr- best friend has gone PHYSCO.

After awhile of that, Nika plopped back down next to Damian.

"So, What now?" She smiled innocently.

"I- Nevermind. Lets just find something to do..." Damian stared.


𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now