Names...Like Ren? Thank you Damian.

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Gotham city was a shit city. 

At least thats what people believe. 

But when you walk down the dark streets watching the neon lights and lamposts light up, and you hear the talking of the people and the laughter of small children as they bounce around, it didnt seem so bad.

The snow gracefully sprinkled down to the ground and the cold weather, which for the first time wasnt due to mister freeze was comforting.

The children looked so joyful in this god forsaken city. Jumping around laughing with hats and jackets runing down the streets.

At the same time hes thinking 'Where the hell are their parents?' 

But its gotham so dont dwell on that. Its very possible that they probably dont have any.

Respawn mainly kept his head down avoiding eye contact with any person he saw. To be completely honest he just wasnt good with people, and communication was a forgein language.

So here he is doing Roses Errands while shes sick with the flu. Its no surprise, after all its flu season.

And now, here he is walking inside a grocery store with a list in hand and basket in the other, 

'Its a learning experiance' is what hes thinking walking down the aisle.

First thing is That Sickly, Bitter tasting Medicine Rose made him drink last time.

Pay back is a pain in the ass. Now she has to drink it.

"I am soo sorry!"


So much for no social contact.

"I- Im sorry?" By the way he was looking at him, Respawn sounded pretty unsure If he actually meant it or not. 

"I Didnt see you?"

Was he in the wrong?

"No, no its fine. My bad" The guy apologizes and begins to kneel to pick up the spilled groceries.

Respawn does the most logic thing, he stuffs the list into his pocket and helps him pick up his groceries.

"Do you- You kinda look like someone.." The guy says stands up brushing himself off.

Respawn stood up, then handed her the bag of groceries. The guy gladly took it.

"I get that alot" He said pulling down his hood. 

Maybe the white hair would make him unoticable?

"So you just have one of those faces then?" He says with a slight smile.

Respawn blanks out for a second staring at him before he feels a bit awkward and faces the aisle and went back to pretending hes actually doing something.

"Yeah" He nods without looking and pulls out the list.

In hopes the guy continues his shopping and doesnt linger too long.

Respawn eyes the different kinds of medicine looking for the most bitter tasting one. It just said medicine. It didnt specify.

"Im Xander, You?" Xander introduces himself.

Was that really neccisary? Why couldnt he just leave and thats goodbye forever? 

"My name?" Respawn froze up and looked at him, his expression was storn between panic and confusion.

"Who elses?" The guy half heartely smiled.

"Mh- "

'Oh Shit, Whats my name? I cant say Respawn...Can I? Think! Uh,How about Jake? No I sound like a basic bitch..'

𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now