Incorrect Quotes

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Bruce: Say one thing nice about eachother. Now.

Tim *sipping coffee* : ....Your determination to kill me is deeper then your grave.

Damian :

Bruce :

Damian : Your immune system is strong enough to withstand the posion I left in your coffee.

Bruce : .....why did i have kids? Why did i do this to myself?


Damian : Don't do this. You always do this. I hate it.

Nika : Do what?

Damian : Make jokes to distract me from whatever I am about to kill.


Jason : Where is there a threesome for only sex? Like why cant I join in on a couples argument.

Tim : Either one its still like cheating.


Damian then

Damian : No- Absoulutely not! I dont remember that.

Talia : It is true. You were a biter.


Talia : Mara has the scars to prove it.

Damian : what..?

Damian now

Damian : Why cant I Bite someone if they piss me off? Like Whats the fucking issue here.

XXL : Not so sanitary.

Damian : Shut up or I will bite you.


Nika : Wet ramen tastes better.

Damian : I like soggy ramen.

Connor : Stop

Nika : soggy and wet. Delicious.

Connor : Just stop.

Damian : Soggy like bread.

Connor : Ive come to the conculsion You both have a mental illness or your mentally unstable. 

Connor : Theres no in between.

Respawn : Lacking mental stability.

Damian : Thats what he just said.

Respaan : no.

Damian : yes

Respawn : He said mentally unstable. I said lacking mental stability.

Nika : Ramen is soggy and wet. Soggy With cold broth.

Nika : Yum.


Damian: And then I hit him!

Flatline: How hard? 

Damian: Gave him a bruise.

Conner: Hit him enough to knock him out next time.

*Respawn flips them off while holding an ice pack to his face* 


𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now