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RespawnInTheLobby : I just woke up this morning and suddently remembered Nika set this as my name so Nika if your reading this Im coming for you.

PrincessOfDEATH : Damn this early?

RespawnInTheLobby : Tf is a Lobby? And why would someone Respawn in it? Thats not possible.

PrincessOfDEATH : Hold up...You have never heard of fortnite?

RespawnInTheLobby : What?

HawkeWithArrows : Im gonna mute you guys Istg. SHUT UP.

RespawnInTheLobby : Bet.

HawkeWithArrows : What?

PrincessOfDEATH : Do It. 

RespawnInTheLobby : We dont care

HawkeWithArrows Has muted the Groupchat for 24 hours.

PrincessOfDEATH : He actually did it.

RespawnInTheLobby : What now?

PrincessOfDEATH : Idk but I have a few thoughts.

RespawnInTheLobby : Idgaf

PrincessOfDEATH : ANYWAYS, Do you ever think "Hey im so thankful babies cry outside the stomach" imagine hearing muffled screams and crys from a preganant ladies stomach...

RespawnInTheLobby : I dont think I wanted to know that

AngstyRobin : Its 7 in the morning.

PrincessOfDEATH : Morning Birdie.

AngstyRobin : I Hate you guys.

PrincessOfDEATH : Worst Lie ever.

AngstyRobin : Go to bed and Let me sleep.

RespawnInTheLobby : Its 7 am Wake the Fuck up. Do something with your life.

PrincessOfDEATH : AMEN.

AngstyRobin : Im leaving. 

PrincessOfDEATH : Already?

AngstyRobin : Someone else can take my place while I get my Needed rest.

AngstyRobin Has Added NotImportant to the Groupchat. 

NotImportant : Dont make me change your name to Killer Crocs Sushi

AngstyRobin : I apologize

AngstyRobin has Changed NotImportants name to Nobody

RespawnInTheLobby : Killer Crocs Sushi?

Nobody : Ill explain later

PrincessOfDEATH : I already like her.

RespawnInTheLobby : Okay but Who is she.

AngstyRobin : Alright Maya, PrincessOfDeath is Nika Quite litteraly Princess of Death.

PrincessOfDEATH : Dont forget Pain <3

AngstyRobin : RespawnInTheLobby Is Respawn. Thats his actual name. My Twin brother I didnt Know I Had until Last year.  

RespawnInTheLobby : All good except the username. Please change it.

PrincessOfDEATH : No way. Its stuck like that forever.

AngstyRobin : your taking my place because Its 7 am. I have been up all night so Im going back to bed.

AngstyRobin has left the Chat.

RespawnInTheLobby : Who are you?

Nobody : Nobody. 

PrincessOfDEATH : That doesnt really help.

Nobody : Im just kidding, Im Maya ducard Aka Nobody.

PrincessOfDEATH : Ohhh so your Maya ducard.

Nohody : You know my name?

RespawnInTheLobby : Damian Talks about you.

Nobody : Hold on, He does?

PrincessOfDEATH : Yep.

RespawnInTheLobby : So How did you even meet Mr Cocky to begin with?

Nobody : Right, That.

Nobody : Okay, so Long story short He killed my dad I wanted revenge but he helped me fix up my life even though he messed it up. So thats it

 PrincessOfDEATH : 👏

RespawnInTheLobby : Not a bad story.

Nobody : Thanks, I guess I owe Damian for helping me and stuff.

PrincessOfDEATH : Everybody owes Damian somehow.

RespawnInTheLobby : I dont.

PrincessOfDEATH : Do you want a medal?

Nobody : So your damians twin?

RespawnInTheLobby : Not much you can say about it

PrincessOfDEATH : Back to killer crocs sushi...

Nobody : Back to that,

Nobody : Damian hates killer croc. He hates dick (briefly), because he made him wear crocs. 

Nobody : Damian may or may not come to like crocs. may or may not have kicked killer croc at one point while wearing said crocs.

Nobody : That was until he got rolled up like sushi and almost devoured by Killer croc wearing Crocs.


RespawnInTheLobby : That explains alot. 

PrincessOfDEATH : Your officially our new best friend👍

Nobody : that quick? 

Respawn InTheLobby : Yes.

Nobody : I accept 😁

PrincessOfDEATH : Quck Question. Do You Like Vandalism?

Nobody : Thats a forwaed yes. Its with all the colors. Not a serious crime too. Why do u ask?

RespawnInTheLobby : Meet us at 941 Marshall St. Owensboro, KY 42301 in 30 minutes.

Nobody : 👍 Ill be there


𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now