Mothers day gone right? PT 4

39 4 2

"Turn right." Damian instructed while walking behind Respawn. He was on his phone, but acting as if he knew all streets.

No, my boy had google maps out.

"Stop. There's a...." Damian paused his movement and stared at the screen.

It was a tiny photo of a duck? Or was that a man with a duck skirt?

"Duck-man in Gotham?" He murmured.

Respawn looked ahead and witnessed a scene he wouldn't call glorious.

There was certain glory in it. Not in all places.

He gagged and turned around to face Damian. "I didn't gotham had nudists."

"Ah, no. That's a patient from hillsburg psych ward. I've seen Robbie harrass civillans outside pubs." Damian said as if It was JUST ANOTHER TUESDAY.

Respawn shook his head with dissaproval. Damian pondered what Connor would say if he were here. Maybe something along the lines of "You live like this?"

"My judgement is asking you to elaborate on the pub part." Respawn sighed, "But after all your stories, I don't want to know anymore." 

Damian narrowed his eyes and his face said a sarcastic "Ha Ha, very funny"

Respawn rolled his eyes and kept walking ahead. He silently wondered how Talia would react around him. She's only been around him maybe 6 or 7 times.

That says alot when he's practicaly her son.

So while he silently worried about that he walked into a metal rod that practically spawned before him.

Damian bursted out in laughter, which would usually terrify normal people. 

"See, isn't that what I said to you last night? Every inanimate object despises you." Damian grinned.

Respawn rubbed his sore forehead and fussed about it.


After finally getting to the wide lavish store. Respawn put his hood up and took a seat on a bench while he let Damian do the yappng he normally does.

A man around 18-19 came out of the employees door and his eyes widened at seeing Damian Wayne at their store.

Of course he began putting on a nice tone. "Mr Wayne, how could I help you today?" The man smiled sheepishly.

Respawn had to block out Damians overly complicated order before he got an aneurysm.

A few moments Damian sat next to Respawn.

"I aquired the deluxe gift box, laced with silk ribbons and pure cacao chocolate from the healthiest trees-"

Respawn frowned a bit. "You pick chocolate off trees???"

Damian stared at him, blankly. "The cacao seed from the tree is grinded into brown paste. Then combined with sugars and dairy. Whip that up and you have chocolate you fool."

"If you're such a smartass where does white chocolate come from?" Respawn countered.

"Are you fucking stu-" Damian muffled his words. He didn't want to seem insensitive to someone who recently learned how to read.

Respawn believes it's Damians job to tell him this stuff. How's he supposed to know if no one tells him?

"Later," Damian licked his dry lips. "We will be having a long talk about that."

"I'm sure going to enjoy being next to you and listening to you talk for 13 hours." Respawn commented in a somewhat sarcastic tone.

"On a related note, today's the 10th and it's 6pm. And mothers day is the 12th. The flight takes 14 hours meaning If we left now, we'd be there by the 11th, 7 in the morning. We should leave tomorrow at 3, and be there by 4 in the morning on the 12th."

Respawn didn't get *any* of that."What about the time zone?"

"It'll be 7 hours ahead. By lunch time." Damian answered.

"ID?" He questioned

"Use your fake one." Damian suggested. For some reason he got Respawn a fake ID which made him an apparent *legal* person?

"My name is stupid." Respawn complained. Damian had chosen possibly, the worst name in his opinion.

"Amir isn't a bad name." Damian argued.

Before Respawn could argue back the bell was rung. Damian stood up to collect his order and pay a very expensive $40.

"Have a nice day Mr. Wayne!" The guy waved as Damian dragged Respawn out the door with him.

"You can go home now. Thank you for being a nuisance." Damian rolled his eyes and put all his- and Respawns gifts in a gift box he took from Ivy and Harleys place.

Respawn didn't care being called that. He pulled down his hood. And waved before walking in the opposite direction.

"Be in my room by 2 tomorrow!" Damian yelled after him.

Respawn turned around just to flip him off. After all this work, he needed to at least show his sour attitude.

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