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This is Respawn Centric.

"Stop touching me! Your hands are cold!" He struggled to shove Roses hands away.

"You just said you didnt have a Cold 4 Times" Rose added moving her hand off his forehead

"AND I DONT HAVE A COLD!" He shouted which came out more like a whine then he wanted it to.

"You said that already" Rose deadpanned with a serious look.

"I know that! I also know that I dont have a Cold!" Respawn repeated covering his mouth with the blanket.

"Stop being a baby and taking the medicine" Rose grumbled trying to get him to take it

"ID RATHER DIE!" He shouted.

Apon that Roses cat in the corner of the room visably glared at Respawn. With all this shouting hes been doing, Rose herself is confused as to how he doesnt have a blaring headache

"Dramatic much?" Jason quipped with an unamused expression from his seat right next him

"M'not" Respawn murmured.

"I will force you. Either you take it willingly or I force you unwillingly" Rose stated.

Respawn thought for awhile betore groaning.

"Fine" He finally agreed uncovering his mouth.

Rose held the spoon and shoved it into his mouth without warning causing him to gag.

"See? Wasnt that bad" Rose reasoned.

"It tasted bitter" Respawn grumbled from the terrible taste still lingering in his mouth

"Its gonna help you get better. Just drink alot of water and rest. No moving around" Rose premanded getting up to put the medicine bottle away and make dinner.

"First time sick with a cold?" Jason asked glancing at Respawn burrowed in the blankets a few inches away from him.

It was pretty unusual for someone like Respawn to have a cold. He did have inhanced immunity. so the cold he currently had and was denying was pretty questionable.

Rose guessed its from all that breathing with his mouth open outside. Especially during winter.

"Im not sick" Respawn huffed covering face in the blanket. 

He felt cold but sweaty and weak. Everything was spining and he felt shivers in his spine everytime he moved. His nose was stuffy and the worse part was that his voice sounded slightly horse and weird. 

His appetite was killing him. He was hungry but he didnt want to eat. He could barely drink liquids without feeling sick.

Everytime he did eat he'd feel like throwing up. Rose has forced him to eat saying he needs enegry if hes gonna get better. And Jason would just sit there on his phone, drinking cola and keep him from getting up and making sure he'd rest

He Absoultely wanted to gut Fonzie. The Cat had been so loud meowing all day.

"Nobodys buying it. Your in denial" Jason stated sipping his tea.

"Fine, I am sick" Respawn finally admitted sniffing a bit.

"There you go" Jason smiled and leaned ove to ruffle his hair which didnt help his headache which was forming.

Respawn tiredly Glanced at the clock. Its only 6 pm and dark out.

Theres nothing to do or nothing he can do with Jason and Rose keeping him from Doing anything.

The worst part of being sick was the constant sweating and chills. No matter how many blankets he put on he was still cold. He blames The Cold weather outside. 

Winter in Gotham is Harsh. Especially with Mr Freeze causing more issues with the weather.

From the corner of his eyes Jason could see how He was basically shaking uncontrollably with sweat on his pale face.

"How long do colds even last" Respawn  asked.

"It depends, Sometimes a week or 10 days" Jason shrugged.

Respawn huffed only to cough a bit.

He then sighed and started to get up.

"Where do you think your going?" Jason questioned looking in his direction.

"To get water" 

"Just take my cup" Jason offered.

"No chance. I dont know where your mouths been" Respawn explained ignoring the back he was swaying back and forth getting dizzy.

"Just take It. Your going to trip on your way to the kitchen so stop being stubborn and drink it" Jason finished the conversatation with.

"Fine" He huffed and took the cup filled with tea and sat back in his spot covered in blankets.

As he began to drink it his throat was feeling less scratchy and irratable.

"Feel better?" Jason asked with a slight smirk on his face.

Respawn silently nodded. He was feeling a bit tired more then he felt sick.

Unconsiously he leaned into Jason. As he did that he felt more comfortable and safe not that he'd ever admit it.

"G'Night kid" Jason said brushing a strand out of his face.

Jason could have sworn he heard him mumbled "Night" back


𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now