I Care about You

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TW self harm topic, if triggered easily, don't read.




"You need to stop" Respawn said as held Damians wrist littered in scars. All clashing over eachother in mis matched lines. Some were white and deep, some were fresh and new.

Damian didnt say nothing he just looked down to avoid eye contact with a burning sensation in his stomach out of shame.

"You said you wouldn't do it again...Remember last time?" He asked sternly. Respawn wasnt always the best with emotions but hes trying.

Damian nodded without meeting his eyes to avoid letting clear tears drip.

"You told me that I needed to stop. You said- You said you cared about me.... and I care about you too" 

"So please" Respawn said with some worry in his tone.


"I tried" Damian says with a tone that sounds tired. 

Not tired of the conversation. Tired of Him trying to help, Tired of Him Trying to figure him out.

"If-If you wanna talk about it...." He trailed off "...I'd listen"  Respawn offered unusually.

This wasnt always an easy topic. Especially if you've been in this situation before. Perhaps with the roles reversed. And that, He has.

"I cant" Damian quietly spoke, voice lower then a whisper but hearable.

"Its all  too much" 

Tears threatened to fall from his stinging eyes as he struggled to speak clearly with a lump of shame and guilt in his throat.

"Whats too much?" Respawn asked lighly. 

"All of it. Its like...I can't. I can't do this shit anymore. Why is it so hard, why is everything so hard for me, I can't seem to do anything right"

"I tried to change I tried not to cut but I couldn't even do that right!" Damian said letting the tears flow in endless amouts.

Soon enough he was Curling in on himself crying, pathetically like His mother would say.

It always ended up like this. Except this time he had protective arms wrapped around him. He felt a bit safer. Like all his worries could wait for him at the door.

"I know" Respawn said softly. He did know.

He felt useless most days. His purpose was to be a guinea pig. But he isnt that anymore so whats his purpose? 

"Its- Whats his fucking problem? I try to do everything right but he just overlooks me like another task!" 

"Fuckin Batman"  Respawn thought with a serious tone.

Batman was the cause of this. And Batman should Apologize or have a heart to heart with Damian and talk it out, rather then yell it out. 

Not as Batman but as Bruce wayne.

"He makes me look weak. If He shouts at me for something he expects me to keep quiet but if I do that im gonna fucking cry does he not get that?" Damian ranted forgetting about his scars.

It was weird how Damian did that. He could switch the topic without anyone batting an eye.

"Hes Batman. He doesnt get alot of things. Especially emotions" Respawn reminded. 

"I dont either but atleast I care enough to try." Respawn silently thought.

Sure Bruce tried but he still has a Fucked up time understanding Damian. It doesn't only go one way.

"I feel worthless to him" Damiwn murmured leaning on Respawn a bit.

"Your not worthless" Respawn spoke up "Your many things, but not Worthless" 

"Like what?" Damian dared him to say.

"You're Fearless, Decisive, Resilent And Blunt, sometimes Cocky but you're Loyal. Point is your alotta things. Good things" 

"Your just saying that because you're not good with people to know whats good" Damian bluntly stated.

"Doesn't change that you're still all of those things" Respawn reminded still having his arm around Damian protectively.

"The point of all this was dont cut yourself. If you feel like this And want to talk Im here. You- you helped me before so its only fair if I help you" He explained.

"Judging by the last 8 minutes..Your not a bad listener" Damian slightly smiled leaning into His touch.

"Well I try" Respawn added with a grin on his face like that was an oh so amazing achievement.

"And Im the Cocky one" Damian slightly scoffed but with humor this time.

"Im also a good therapist..."Respawn reminded with a smirk.

"Your an Okay therapist" Damian corrected.


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