Principals Office

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Today just so happened to be like any ther day. 


Damians already mastered every subject so theres no need for school. He can tolerate it but what he cannot tolerate is Trevor. That insufferable bully who keeps causing issues.

"Hey Terrorist" And then it starts all over again.

Damian clicked his tounge rolling his eyes, "Here we go again" he silently thought.

"What do you want Carter?" Damian shut his sketchbook meeting the gaze of Trevor and his cocky look. Not to mention his clueless minions behind him.

"Whats this?" Trevor teased grabbing Damians sketchbook.

"Give. It. Back" Damian stood straight and practically growled.

"Ha, What even is this? Some Terrorist language?" Trevor flipped through pages. 

"Probably to bomb the place" His friend laughed behind him.

"No shit, His moms probably a terrorist, and she didnt even want him." They Laughed.

Damian attempted to keep his cool. He Had  to for His fathers sake.

They began to flip and came across a portrait of Talia label "Mother"

"Wheres her hijab?" Trevor grinned stiffling laughter.

Damian snatched the book giving him a glare. "Tt thats Muslim Carter, You cant even be racist right" He rolled his eyes.

"Doesn't change the fact that your moms a terrorist. Your probably gonna end up like one too. Nothing like Bruce Wayne You Terrorist" He ripped the page of Talia. Damian was being pushed past his pressure point  

"Where did you learn this Attitude from? Cant only be your Mom. Maybe Street Rat? Or was it Gyspsy-"

Damian hissed and swung his fist with such anger and rage that he sent Trevor to the floor clutching his nose screaming.

"Dont You EVER Speak like that about my family!" Damian shouted kicking him. Next thing he knows Trevors friend have the teacher right infront of him.


"Unfortunately Your fathers busy so instead we have called A Miss Talia Al Ghul under your emergency contacts" The Principal inform as Trevor sat opposite damian with an icepack.

Damian smirked.

"Oh you fucked up big time."

"We dont tolerate Swearing Damian!" He premanded.

At that moment the doors busted open. There stood Talia Al Ghul flipping her hair with such elegance.

"I believed I have receieved a call regarding my son" Talia stated staring the principle in the eye.

"Yes, Your son picked a fight with another Student" He said pointing to Trevor who was holding an Ice pack.

"Habibi?" Talia turned to Damian.

Damian waisted no time to explain.

"He said You were a Terrorist and Ttats what Im going to be. He called Todd a street rat and Grayson a Gypsy"

"So of Course I injured him. Although nobody believes me mother." Damian explained

"Excuse me. And He is in the Principles Office for That? How dare you!" Talia raised her voice.


"No! You listen to me. You will have That Boy expelled!" Talia shouted flipping her hair scoffing. 

Who do they think they are? Talking like that about HER son. Hell even about HER.

"I didnt say that!" Trevor lied.

"Excuse you Child, but My son said that you did and My son does not lie!" 

At this moment Talia was sounding like a Karen and Damian couldnt be more impressed.

"Come with me Damian. We are leaving!" Talia huffed.

Damian shot a victory smirk at The Principal who was stunned as he grabbed his stuff.

Talia marched out of there with Damian by her side.

"Im Proud of you" Talia smiled stopping infront of the school putting a finger on his cheek.

"My Son, Would you like to get Ice cream?" Talia warmly smiled at him

"Yes Umi" Damian smiled as she stroked his cheek warmly. 

At this moment her touch, her praises, He craved them. 

It was rare but it was worth it.

He needs to make a mental note to remind himself to get into MORE fights.


𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now