Raw-ass Steak

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"It's fucking lit!" Connor hyped the dish infront of him.

Damian stared in judgement and Respawn saw no issuse. Nika gagged.

Connor and Damian busted this drug cartel and decided "We got money, let's celebrate our win"

Nika and Respawn tagged along for the free food. Priorities straight. Usually they ordered from this place, but this was the first time they'd been inside and god, Damian had major compliants.

He stared at Connors raw steak and soggy mash poatatos.

"What's lit? Cause' the grill wasn't." He shook his head with a 'tt'

Connor frowned. "Damian, shut it cause it tastes great."

Nika shook her head. "Bout' to get salmonella asking for medium rare earlier." She recalled.

"The cow's not dead. It's still mooing." Respawn said with his new skill set for learning animal sounds. May not be special, but it is to him.

"Salmonella who?" Nika mumured.

"Your food is nasty." Damian scoffed and began to eat his own ramen with, chicken, and assortment of toppings.

Nika slurped her shared soba with Respawn while he figured out how the fuck chopticks worked.

Connor ignored Damian and took a bite of the raw food.

Suddently the 3 of them gasped with such drama. Connor spat out his food in concern.

"Guys? What? Seriously, what's wrong with my food?" He asked anxiously.

Damian held his knife up. "Oh? Nothing. Just the fact It's fucking RAW. Rawer then the streets at 2 am." 

Nika snickered but held herself back. The streets got wild asf in gotham.

"I'm not letting you eat that. Salmonella." Damian shoved Connors dish to the side.

Connor looked at him in disbelief. The audcity of this b-

"You can share mine." Damian offered.

Connor raised a brow. "Seriously-"

"Shut up." Damian shoved his spoon in Connors mouth mid talk. 

Connors eyes widened. "Dis- Mm, izn't bawd." He said with a full mouth.

Damian then fed himself with the same spoon as Nika and Respawn watched with confusion.

Connor wondered if that were considered an indirect kiss..? Would that be cheating INFRONT of Nika?

"I should sue them for that steak." Damian hummed.

Connor bit his lip wondering to himself and Nika was concerned on other matters.

"I'm sorry- IS THAT YOUR HAIR IN MY SOBA?" She screeched.

Respawn frowned and argued. "We have the same hair color!"

"Yours is longer! I slurped that shit up!" She gagged and shivered.

"I hope you ENJOYED it too." He scoffed with a loud tone.

"Shut up" Damian wacked Respawn on the head for practically yelling.


Me and my friend shared a spoon. I wondered if they were and indirect kiss so I added it here. XOXO moi.

𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now