Shopping Trip

57 2 6

For this Chapter.

Maya = 17

Respawn = 16

(Context? Find out)


"You've never been in a store before have you?" Respawn quizzed. By Mayas indecency it seemed that way.

"No," Maya denied. "I've been to many."

"Yet your favourite thing to do is pysch out little kids to make them cry?"

"Not pysch, but you get the picture, android." Maya winked before spotting a 10 year old by himself.

"Maya- no." Respawn tugged on her colorful jacket. 

"Look, It's just a small smile." She attempted to explain.

"You give them maniac eyes." Respawn deadpanned.

"But I still smile. Would a maniac do that?" Maya argued her case.

"Yes and that doesn't justify your hobby." Respawn shook his head and handed her the shopping basket.

"We're supposed to be shopping for the minorities. Then we more onto furniture. No getting carried away okay?" Respawn said softly, yet sternly.

Maya rolled her eye in fake annoyance. She smiled a bit. "Gotcha."

Respawn nodded in satisfaction and made his way out of the ethnic aisle.

"Wait, where are you going?" She called out.

"Groceries." Respawn pulled out a small list from his pocket. "I have my own errands too." 

With that he exited the ethnic aisle leaving Maya alone to shop on her own.

"Okay, now the real games begin." Maya grinned and pulled out her phone.

She set a 5 minute time and pulled out her list. 

Rice || Milk || Cheese

Ramen || Eggs || Flour || Sugar.


"Perfect." She stuffed it back into her pocket and threw 2 bags of rice into the basket.

Maya proceeded to jet down the aisle in a search for the freezer aisle where milk, cheese, and eggs should be located.

Reaching her stop after using quite some speed her sneakers squeeked loudly much to her delight. The sound was annoying and thats what made it humourous.

She threw 2 cartoons of milk in the basket and some diced cheese. She stared at the eggs before deciding she didn't need them.

Maya raced out of the freeze aisle and ran down into another. She scrambled all over the place before finding both flour and sugar.

She grabbed them both and stuffed them into her slightly combusted basket.

"Now the tolietries aisle." Maya said out loud for some reason.

She rushed up and down the store until she found it. And then when she knelt down to pick up some soap she heard the loudest shriek.

"God, this is why I hate children. Always screaming" Maya clicked her tounge in disapproval before selecting a candy scented soap.

"MA-MAYA. Maya, Maya Look. Look at me, you looking?" Respawn grabbed her shoulders from behind, much to her surprise.

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