Just a Lacky

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The blade sways awfully close to his neck. Sweat trickles down his forehead as he studies every movement. Damian for once is at loss. What does he do? The physcos had stripped him of his weapons and distress signal. They made sure that the walls were lead lined. Nothing gets in. Nothing gets out.

And that was on purpose. Its like she knew all of his games. If he attempts to break out of the chains he binded with,

He doesnt know what they're planing.

On cue the female speaks up. Shes holding a blade that occasionaly grazes the skin of his heck, the blade is cold to the touch. Cold in general.

The Girl is Cold Hearted.

"Not much you can do..." She says quietly eyes studying his condition. 

Damian isnt sure if shes sincere or teasing him,

Damian glares at her feeling his breath dampen the gag on his mouth. The way they're toying with him.

Damian attempts to bite the gag off. It slightly works but his speech is muffled.

"Are you that afraid to fight me? Dont you want a fight or are you afraid?" He says with a cocky smile.

The Guy steps up from behind the girl. Hes visably older. 

Hes holding a crowbar. Tt Too Cliche. Whats he gonna do beat him, then blow him up?

The Girl outs her arm out infront of him. 


"Dont, Not needed" she says.

"Move" He says harshly and shoves the girl out of the way. Her words dont matter.

Damian glares at the guy, still upside down tied to a pole.

Their Right, Theres not much he could do.

Except take it.

The Guy swings the crowbar across his stomach. He jerks forward coughing, the wind knocked out of him.

The girl stand behind the guy watching silently. Hidden once more.

The guy swings a couple more times. He hits and hits again. Each time damian stays strong until he cant. He lets out screams of pain each time. Its too much.

"What are you gonna do? Call Mommy? Or Daddy?" The guy asks and then he laughs. A loud laugh that echos off the walls.

He then coughs light headed, everything fuzzy and painful. He feels a cold tip slice his stomach. It cuts through his suit as the blood bleeds into the fabric.

Damian sucks in his breath, He been through worse but hes going to take it.

He has no back up plan.

He wants to cry, he wants to throw up, he wants to shut his eyes and not open them once more

Only at that moment he realizes something He didnt before.

The girl is gone.

"Wheres your lacky" Damian gritts out.

Damian didnt see the girl sneak out of the place. Most likely since he was busy getting abused.

The guy drops the blade and looks around. He then grimaces and grabs the crowbar from his belt.

"Dont play with me bird boy" 

He raises his hand

Just like Ras 

Damian shakes his head when he looks straight in the guys eye he freezes. Theres a figure behind the man.

The figure grabs the guys hand and twists his arm snapping it. Damian hears the horrifyihg screams that erupt from the mans mouth.

He then feels the chains being lifted off of him. Hes too weak to see who exactly took it off of him but the figure helps him up.

Its the same girl.

Damian would have fought her if he had a sword, or the energy.

Why would she help capture him then save him. Mind games.

"Stay" She lets him onto the cold floor.

Damian is too weak to protest too.

The girl grabbs his distress signal and presses it.

"Who the hell are you.." Damian asks.

The girl was covered the entire time. She was wearing a cloak and a mask. The man wasnt. Its like they didnt want anyone to see her face.

"It doesnt matter" She whispers before oddly stroking her hand through his hair. 

Damians numb but he still felt the tug on his hair.

The girl ditched the place through the rooftop.

As he laied there waiting for the Mighty Batman to arrive he keeps thinking whats she gonna do with the strand of hair. 

He thinks, his thoughts running in circles like a toy train. Hes restless. And right now thats not going to help his condition.

Damian thought she was Just a Lacky. The man was the real issue. But now,

Hes cursing himself out as he really thinks on it, theres a number of possibilities. Batman is not going to be pleased.

𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now