Spring cleaning

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"Aw, gross." Maya gagged, her knees knelt down as she was holding a jar of molded mayo. 

"You have no care for your fridge, do you?" Respawns nose ached from the stench.

"Try living alone and doing everything by yourself before you talk to me. Mayo isn't my top priority." Maya tossed the mayo jar into a black bag.

"We look like mad scientists." Respawn held his gloved fingers up and flexed them.

Maya flicked the goggles on her eyes. "Extra protection for the extra extreme."

"The bathroom?"

Maya shook her head.

"Under the couch?" Respawn tried again.

She shook her head again.

"The. Storage. Room." Maya whispered.

Respawns face twisted up into confusion. He'd been in there many times and it was fairly clean. All metal and tech assorted and no loose cannons. (Literal cannons) .It was like Mayas mini lab.

"What's in the storage room?" He questioned.

For the ominence, Maya didn't say anything. She just smirked and directed her attention back to the fridge.

Respawns skin crawled as he imagined the worst. Gruesome shit.

After picturing that she had some human test subjects- which he assosiates with evil psychopaths and victims, (like Ras and himself)- He tried to calm that thought down. 

Ha, Ha, Now that was ridiculous.

Maya wasn't a psychopath, now was she?

"Oh! Lookie here!" Maya bursted his thought bubble as she held up a sealed container. The continents were definately spoiled. Respawn came in closer as Maya popped of the lid.

A foul stentch fogged up their googles and burnt the hair of their noses. Respawn coughed a bit and Mayas eyes stung as they both examined the rotten food. 

"Oh, wait. I- I think it's that apple chedder pie I baked." Maya rubbed her eyes with her wrist.

Respawn looked up at her with wide eyes. He very much so re-called her making it exactly 4 months ago, and making him taste the combo.

4 months later and this is what had become of it.

"Something is seriously wrong with you." Respawn gagged. That wasn't the most kind or romantic thing to say, but it was true.

His view on Maya, his own girlfriend, is a bit more realistic now. Now he knows she isn't that clean and perfect. And he didn't mean a few splotches of dirty or un-perfect.

She was like a void of un-cleanliness and all he's seen is her fridge.

"Hey now, apple and chedder isn't that bad" Maya tossed the container as well as the food into their growing black bag.

'I meant your fridge state.'  Respawn wanted to say, but he kept quiet.

"You know what? Let's just move on to the living room. I think the kitchen's pretty much done. All we gotta do it throw the bag out." Maya stood up and dusted her hands off.


The lavender curtains were drapped to opposite sides and each equipped with a stylish knot in them. A clean white couch pressed against the wall had the fluffiest white blanket draped across. A single white chair littered with magazines was facing the coffee table. A linin wood, sleek, clean coffee table.

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