Incorrect Quotes

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Damian : Im not mad

Respawn : Your mad.

Damian : How do YOU know that IM mad?

Respawn : How do YOU know that IM saying your mad?

Damian : .....

Respawn : .....

Damian : You have no clue what the fuck your talking about do you?

Respawn : Yeah....No


Damian : You have 10 cookies-

Nika : Mm, Im Not really feeling it.

Nika : Can they be 10 strawberry milkshakes?

Damian : Fine.

Damian : You have 10 strawberry milkshakes. Then Someone takes five. 

Damian : How many do you have left?

Nika *counting* : ₈₇ ₈₈ ₈₉ ₉₀ ₉₁

Nika : 91!

Damian *face palming* 

Damian : HOW?

Nika : You times it by the strawberrys inside the milkshake then you carry the 1.

Damian : That is not how math works...

Respawn *raises hand*

Damian : What?

Respawn : Not you.

Respawn : How do you know how many strawberrys are inside each milkshake?

Nika : by the color duh.

Respawn : Oh, Understandable.

Damian *litteraly fuming* : WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNDERSTANDABLE?


Damiam : When I first met you, I did not like you. 

Jon : I'm pretty aware of that. 

Damian : But then you and I had some time together. 

Jon : Uh-huh? 

Damian : It did not get better.

Jon : .....

Damian : But none the less Id still take a bullet for you.

Jon : Dami....Thats not healthy


Respawm, shakily: Please, just tell me what the book is about. The plot, please. You know Im still learning to read This kinda stuff!

Rose reading an annotation on the cover of a book : A subversive masterpiece. A deep and touching story. New York Times Bestseller. 

Respawn *raging* : Go fuck yourself


Nika : What's the dumbest thing you believed as a child? 

Connor : That naptime was a punishment.

Connor : Id trade anything for a good 12 hours of sleep.

Connor : Straight hours. No disturbances.


Damian: Say no to drugs. 

Damian: Say yes to drugs. 

Damian: It doesn't matter if you say yes or no to drugs, cause if you're talking to drugs... then you're on drugs.


Connor : We can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or 4,000 degrees for 1 minute. 

Damian : No, that's not how you make cookies. 

Nika : FLOOR IT!! 

Respawn : How about 4,000,000 degrees for 1 second?!? 



Respawn : DO IT! 

Damian : NO-


Respawn : I like the term 'partners'. Are we dating? Are we robbing a bank? 

Respawn : Are we the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies and are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit? Who knows.

Connor : *clapping*

Nika : Bravo, That-That was beautiful.

Nika : *wiping tears*

Damian : This is why I regret teaching you how to read.

Damian : Its the Romance novels that do it...

Respawn : Shut up.


Jason : Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".


Nika : Happy October 32nd! Second Halloween! 

Connor : That doesn't exist. 

Nika : Not with that attitude.


𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now