Vaping Is Damians Stress reliever?

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Put alot of effort into this one. Yall deserve the best

TW⚠️ : Vaping, and mentioning of SH.

Don't worry, the end is a bit more wholesome? I can't dump angst with no fluff.

P.S I don't encourage people to vape.


Today wasn't so good. Small parts like Nikas kisses and Talias small gifts helped the sick feeling in his chest.

But it couldn't erase the feeling. His facade of a birthday party (which was 70% an excuse for Bruce to see Selina- who also gifted him a baby kitten.) was pretty good- except or all the rich snobs asking things like 

"Hm, why is it Timothy is heir to Wayne industries?" And "Oh my, you look nothing like your father"

And all the hidden racisim and hate on his mother for not "sticking around" was visable.

You'd think he'd have gotten a break on his birthday.

Damian wanted nothing more to just shut his eyes and drown it all out. He wanted to hide in his room and just slash the feelings away, slash his skin until he felt it.

When those insenitive bitches spoke about his flaws, or him in general the anxiety pushed, and Damian knew he couldn't push it back. All of it resulting in few small panic attacks and mental breakdowns in the bathroom.

Damian took a seat by the edge of the roof in the chilling night air. A breeze sent shivers down his spine and his hands felt cold. Unpatiently Damian drummed his fingers on his lap.

The view from the roof was bright. Gotham rarely looked good. Even though red and blue lights lit up tiny areas of the city, the main attractions were all pure.

His gaze darted from the brightly lit buildings to a dark figure in the corner of his eye.

The figure struggled to pull themself up to the roof. Damian didn't budge a bit. Instead, he waited until they approached him.

They dropped 4 small rectanuglar shaped objects and held their hand out. "Pay up."

Damian rolled his eyes and grabbed a 20 from his pocket, he made eye contact at the green eyes staring back at him with slight judgement.


Damian scoffed and dropped another 5 in his hand.

"And for my trouble." Respawn remained with his hand out.

"What trouble??? You were In and out." Damian made an exasperated sigh.

"My non-existant I.D for starters." Respawn put his free hand on his hip. "And The fact that the streets were packed with cops tonight."

Damian looks up from the city. "Cops? What'd you do?"

"Nothing. They just had half the area on lockdown." 

Damian scoffed. "You expect me to believe that-"

"Shut up and give me a 20. You can afford it." Respawn demanded.

Damian dropped a 20 in his hand with a scowl. "And this stays between us."

"For another 10-"

"Are you that fucking broke?" Damian raised a brow at that with a slight smile.

"Yeah, and I'd appreciate a 10." Respawn kept his hand out.

Damian mumured something under his breath and rummaged through his pocket for a 10.

"That's it." He drops it into Respawns hand.

With that $65, Respawn gladly slid it into his own pocket. He took a seat beside Damian and patted his head, something that was usually done to him.

"I won't say anything." He resssured. Damian exhaled in relief and immediately grabbed one.

"Cherry peach, peach mango, vanila and banana. I know you like the fruity flavours." 

"Thank you." Damian said quietly.

"This is the last time I'm doing this. I don't feel good about it, so It's only a birthday gift. Nothing more okay?" Respawn said, with slight guilt.

This was a rare occassion- or so Respawn thinks. He only does this like, once or sometimes twice a month.

But Damian does this weekly behind this back. Trust wasn't there.

Damian took a puff of one of them and nodded. He held the breath in for a short while.

"Holding it in doesn't do anything but make you dizzy." Respawn tipped.

Damian exhaled sharply. "How do you know that?"

"Rose smokes. It's the same result." He waved it off.

"Whats the time?" Damian asked, his feet dangling off the roof.

Respawn grabbed Damians phone and stared at the lockscreen.

"7 1 3." He then stared at the wallpaper of Damian and Connor before switching it off.

It was weird. Damian changed his wallpaper to photos he takes with the people he likes every month.

It was a weird September when Respawn opened the phone to just find pictures of himself.

"7:13" Damian corrected, snapping Respawn out of it.

"You're going to some carnival with Connor at 8." Respawn reminded in a very stalkish manner.

Damian dropped the vape in realization before grabbing them and shoving them in his hoodie pockets. He climbed down the roof and through his bedroom window in a rushed attempt to get ready.

Respawn climbed after Damian a good 5 minutes afterwards. He slipped in through the window and the first he did was look Damians choice of clothing up and down.

"Green and Black?" Respawn scrunched his nose up. A few barks and meows were the background noise.

"Isn't that green arrow cliche and copy right-"

Damian grabbed a blade from his dartboard and threw it 3 inches away from Respawns head.

Suddently Respawn clammed his mouth shut and the barrs and meowing was silent.

"If anyone asks where I am, I'm with Connor. Keep Felony [Yes, his kitten is named felony] and Titus civil." Damian instructed before walking out his room and shutting the door loudly.

Before Respawn can open his mouth the door quickly opened again. Respawn assumed Damiam forgot something. Maybe his manners.

"I love you little brother." Damian said quietly before shutting the door again.

Respawn still had his mouth open but it was more in shock then outrage.

"I love you too?" He said even if Damian couldn't hear.

From then on he got hooked on those words.



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