Mothers day gone right? PT 2

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"She hates that brand." Damian critqued.

Respawn directed his sight from the chocolates to Damians face. He scowled. 

Damian was a straight up brat. "If you're such expert you choose."

"No, your terrible choices amuse me." Damian admitted.

"Like you could do better?" Respawn weakly challenged. He knew Damian could. There was no doubt so instead of saying anything Damian just stared at him, as if Respawn didn't register his own words.

Respawn spoke up again realizing how stupid that sounded. "Okay, fine."

"I don't know what she likes." 

Danian had a little- a tiny bit of sympathy for that case.

"Jasmine and Taif rose scents. Godvia chocolate packages, emerald and gold jewels. Jasmine and Taif rose flowers." Damian listed off on each finger.

Respawn stood there listing to the list he would most likely forget 7 minutes from now.

"That's oddly specific-"

"Well she's a specific person." Damian snapped.

"Okay." Respawn rolled his eyes.

"Let's start with the jewels." Damian grabbed Respawns wrist and yet again dragged him out the store.

"7 blocks down is the Waynes Jeweler." Damian informed while dragging Respawn in the cold.

"I don't even want to be here anymore." Respawn scoffed.

"Suck it up."


At the Wayne Jewelers Respawn had to put on a a mask as if it were a pandamic, have his hood on and head down.

He's legally not a person..? And next to Damian it seemed weird to civillans. He sat at the generously waiting area while Damian demanded the finest jewels.

Respawn tuned out Damians obnoxious voice with headphones and turned up the volume on blast. 

"Not ruby. I said emeralds." Damian scrutinized a worker. Honestly, they weren't expecting this today.

"Apologizes Mr Wayne." The worker said sincerely. They were motivted to keep their job.

"Shine the emeralds and connect them to a golden neck and shoulder piece. 3 golden braclets included." Damian demanded.

The worker nodded eagerly and rushed to the back.

Damian took a seat next to Respawn and waited for the oiece that would most likely take 3 hours.

He stared at the wall opposite them until he saw this flash of colors on Respawns screen.

"Whats that?" He leaned in to watch. The show seemed similar to manga but colorful. 


Of course Respawn handed him the left earpiece.

"My Hero Acadamia." He answered.

Damian immediately recognized that as the show Nika suggested before. He listened through the ear piece.

 "What's it about?"

Respawn shushed him and put his attention into the fight scene. The show was in japanese which made Damian a tiny bit curious if Respawn understood the words.

The characters were dressed in what Damian would label 'improper' vigilante uniforms.

Where was the armor?

"They don't have armor?" Damian whispered.

"They have quirks." Respawn informed. When he noticed Damian was confused he elaborated. 


Damian nodded and mentally face palmed himself for not knowing that. They used these 'quirks' in the fight scene.


3 hours later and they had finished a good 7 episodes. And half of the eighth. The jewler came out to show Damian the piece.

Damian took out the ear piece upon watching her walk in. Respawn paid no mind to the world around him.

"It's finished Mr Wayne." The worker nodded and presented the piece.

Golden strings with emboided emeralds hung loosely on the shoulders and the neck jewels were exquiste.

Damian pull out a stack of 400 hundread dollars. Does this boy not understand the concept of robbers?

The worker greatfully took the amount. Though it was 100 extra.

"Keep the change." Damian waved off. The worker smiled brightly.

She turned to the counter and neatly packaged the piece.

Damian unplugged Respawns headphones and tapped his shoulder. "It's done."

"We can go now?" Respawn  asked.

Damisn nodded and took the box the piece was in.

On the way out Respawn was thankful Daman didn't drag him, having being busy with the box in his hands.

"Where to next?" Respawn put his phone in his jacket pocket.

"The body shop. Them Ivy and Harleys flower shop. And then the Godiva chocolate place." Damian listed off verbaly.

"Then tomorrow we have an extra day?" Respawn hoped.

"Tomorrow we catch a flight to give it to her idiot." Damian would have smacked hid head but he was holding the box.

Respawn sulked again. This was tiring. Humanity was filled with tough decisions and this was one of them.

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