Mothers day gone right? PT 5

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For those waiting on Mothers day PT 5, here it is!

P.S the raw ass steak chapter had ALOT of likes.

Should I make more group themed chapters? 




Respawns stomach twists and his body feels hotter. Like this is some suffocating nightmare.He tries to keep his composure.

 It's just a visit.

There's absolutely nothing to fear. Like when her eyes stare and her hands inspect the strands of his hair as if It's so pecuiliar compared to Damian.

Or if she were to question him again on matters like on his name or how he lived through such horrendous injuries his natural healing wouldn't be able to fix.

He's seen her before but never her something. Like a mothers day gift.

He can't really see her as his mother, and....Respawn knows she doesn't see him as a son despite the fact her blood is in his veins.

What if she just....out right says she doesn't care about him? Or what if she admits that she knew Respawn was with Slade and sent assassins- partly to kill him too?

At that thought, Respawn nearly throws up. He can picture each scenario while his own brother seems on cloud 9. So formal and smiley.

He glances to Damian again, and this anxiety of his makes him recall all those times he was tied to a gurney bed and sold off for parts. A living breathing supplier for that brat.

He knows it's not Talias fault, but one most definately can resent her for getting him killed afterwards. Even though that was mostly his father, Slade-

What the fuck is wrong with his life?


"How do you say mother in arabic?" Damian questioned him as soon as they boarded the plane.

Respawn paused while Damian threw his bags on top. For whatever reason Damian started to enjoy economy seats. The vibe of being average got to him.

"Um..." Respswn thought deeply.

"That's good, but you forgot Mi. Um-mi. Ummi. Ommi" Damian taught that quick lesson.

Respawn blinked in confusion. He meant 'Um' as in he didn't KNOW.


"Good." Damian nodded and stood a seat. He leaned back and shut his eyes.

Respawn stared at him, as if he was the most strange thing he'd ever seen.

"It's day time." Respawn pointed to the window.

Damian reached over and shut the window before sitting upright. "Unfortunately, I don't care."

Respawn huffed and stayed quiet while Damian rested.


Minutes turned into hours, and hours felt like days.

Respawn was not a patient soul.

Instead, he decided to bug Damian after a few hours. Shaking his half brother awake, Respawns green eyes peered down at him.


Damian snapped his eyes open, unamused from being awoken.


𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now