Dna is a bloody mess

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TW this chapter contains self harm! ⚠️

If triggered easily, I suggest you don't read. I don't encourage acts of self harm, but instead wary you try it.

Stay positive, and keep smiling. It's great on you.

Also, not sure what the plot is. Damians broken and torn about his heritage, and dna. He's a bloody mess. Look for the title reference and you get a cookie.

"What stuff are you killing yourself with today? Cocaine? Heroin? Cough syrup?" Connor narrows his eyes.

His eyes fall onto the mirror, opposite Damian.


The fragments of glass have blood on them. Damians blood.

Some had spilled onto the walls. They're thin, thin enough to hear the choked sobs he heard a good 10 minutes ago. The stentch of the room smells like funky sewage and the tiles have dirty grime built up. 

Connor's actively aware his place isn't top notch, but it's good enough for Damian to hide away from the world for a couple of days.

This wasn't the first, and probably not the last time he's witnessed this. His best friend, with a bloody mess on both sleeves.

"Drug use is over rated." Damian let's out a dry laugh. It makes Connor shiver.

The bath tub Damians crouched over has watery slashes of blood, actively slipping doen the drain, wiping away Damian Waynes broken dna. His fist is as red as an apple.

A posioned apple, that spreads from his hand, the one he took many lives with, to his heart, which might not be as pure as he let on.

Connor watches as Damian forces a smile and shakes off the droplets on blood, he looks so broken, dry, and careless, despite loosing blood at the moment.

His eyes dart to the bloody cotten and probably rusted daggers. Tentanus is a common side effect.

Since when did Damian get so...self neglecting?

"Besides, if I were to take that shit, It wouldn't be as..." Damians breath hitches. Theres a pause...


Connor presses his lips tight. He feels like he might cry.

He sucks it up and approaches Damian. He forcefully grabs his best friends wrist.

"If you're going to insist on doing this, at least use clean ones." Connor examines the bloody fist, but if you look higher there's new scars above it. Fresh bleeding cuts.

Connor blinks away the tears and grabs a bottle of antiseptic under the sink compartment. He holds both Damians arms out over the bath, and pours out the stinging alcohol on the wounds.

Damian sucks in a pained breath, but when he looks at Connors damp eyes, hot tears end up spilling in the end.

Connor effectively cleans Damians wounds with little to no issue. 

"Thank you.." Damians choked voice whispered out.

Connor stares with concern as he watches the tears leak.

"Don't do that." Connors mouth trembles. "Think about anyone, people who wouldn't want you dead. Don't be so selfish."

Damians heart drops. His ears throb as he processes the words. His mouth becomes sandpaper dry for a few seconds. Connor grips his hands.

"People- people wouldn't sob over a killer. A brat" Damian hisses out. 

Connor doesn't note how the tears spill at a faster rate. He bandages Damians arm with shaking fingers.

"You've seen how they look at me. A terrorist. A killer. From the al ghuls. Ras is a bitch. Talia was too. My heritage didn't make me nothing more then a sarcastic condescending brat-!"

Damian's immediately cut of by Connor yanking his arm harshly.

"Oh please" Connor snears. "Think about Nika, Respawn, Dick, the people you know actually like you. For some reason, we don't get your bullshit sometimes. You act as if everyone HATES you! Look around! Quite the opposite. They give a fuck about you."

The words are so true. So true they hit a nerve.

Connor rarely swears, only when he's excited, or...angry.

Damian can't handle that anger right now. But he needs to take it. For awhile Respawn tried to get him to stop. The poor guy was too soft and let it go.

Connor cares too much to let it go.

Damian doesn't say a word.

"Don't fuck this up. Nobody had actually hated you Damian...they liked you."

The words Connor wants to say..spill out on their own.

"The right kind of people in your life, love you..." Damians shoulders shake with a muffled sob as Connor paused. "I...I love you dames."

It's not a confession. 

"You're my best friend, my duo and all." He slightly punches Damians shaking shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Connor." Damian finally bursts and speaks up with a loud plea. He then starts to sob heavily. His chest rises and falls with each cry.

Connor hugs him tightly and rubs his back.

"It's okay dames. Just..call me before this. It's okay bro.."

Damians tears dampen Connors shirt, but he wouldn't have it any other way...

Then to be stamped with Damian Waynes Dna.

Eveything Damian isn't, is in his Dna.


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That's okie. You still get a cookie!


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Here's your COOKIEs


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