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"You sitting here...Is this an everyday thing?" Respawn asked with his legs dangling off the roof.

"Nope, Just thought you'd wanna see this" Maya smiled.

"See what?" 

"Theres litteraly nothing to see" Respawn added pointing towards the city.

"Theres City lights. But they look better at the dead night" Maya shrugged.

"Quick question, Why'd you think Id wanna see this?" Respawn questioned pulling his mask off.

"I dont know. You showed me how to make vandalism fun. So I thought Id show you one of my favourite views" Maya reasoned holding (The thing that covers her face) Tucked by her side.

"Huh, that does make more sense.." Respawn murmured.

"Just wait a few minutes. Skys gonna turn darker and my favourite parts gonna be next!" Maya exclaimed swinging her legs back and forth while pointing towards the sky.

After a few minutes of silence Respawn blew a few strands out of his face bring Mayas attention back to him.

"Dude, your hairs almost as long as mine" she half laughed raising her hand to touch it.

"Its manageable" He shrugged allowing her to touch it.

He didnt mind the feeling of her hands ruffling his hair or brushing against the strands. 

It felt nice when she did. It felt different to when Jason, Rose, or when anybody else did it. Her touch was comforting. He couldn't get enough of it.

but thats a secret that will go down with him.

He didnt realize Maya was staring him right in the eye until He caught her gaze, they both made eye contact before awkwardly looking away.

"Yeah..It doesn't look half bad" Maya shrugged to brush off the awkward tension.

"Wh- Oh yeah mhm. Neither do you" He Said before realizing what he said.

Maya looked at him with an amusing smirk seeing his face contort into a confused and embarrassed expression.

This was going to fun.

"Your- Your hair I mean. Not that you dont look good yourself. Cause you do look good I just Ment your hair" Respawn nervously rambled, before realizing he looked like an idiot (Damian with Nika)

"Ohh So my Hair looks good to you?" Maya asked with a wide smile.

"You know what I mean" He murmured as Maya laughed nudging his side. 

Why was he So awkward? Hes Never This awkward. Or nervous. Its like looking into her eyes has that effect.

"Look! This was What I was talking about" Maya exclaimed pointing at the fireworks.

"Its like a Yearly thing, I dont know what they celebrate though" Maya explained watching the Fireworks Pop Into the sky with flaming bright colors.

Respawns eyes were focused on every single colors. Hes never seen fireworks upfront or ever.

The more he watched he learned that the Fireworks were like a hot hand reaching up to the black sky, but with sparks and embers raining down like the winter snow. Fire crackles and snaps, It looks bright and full of life but is not, It dances and sways in the wind.

"What do you think?" Maya nudged him and asked looking into his eyes.

Respawn could see the reflection of the fireworks in her eyes. They were as bright as the grin she had on her face.

"Its..Different" Respawn admitted staring back into her eyes.

Maya slowly and subtely slide her hand on top of his. Respawn seemed to notice and before she could pull away He held her hand in his own.

Maya smiled at him before inching closer. The eye contact wasnt broken and he didnt even want it to be.

After a few seconds he realized she was staring at his lips. So he did what seemed reasonable.

And No, he did not kiss her. Because assuming she even wants that Makes an ASS out of U and ME.

He stared at her, waiting for her to make the first move.

"Can I..." Maya got the hint and trailed off watching the reflection of Bright fireworks in Respawns eyes.

"Yeah.." Respawm trailed off, no brain just want.

Maya leaned in used her free hand to hold Respawn face up and kiss him. It wasnt a light kiss but a long one. Redpawn leaned in closer and gripped Mayas hand.

After almost a minute they pulled away. Maya wiped her mouth with the back of her hand with a huge smile.

Respawn was completely flustered. Maya did that. She kissed him....and he wanted her to.

"We should come up here more often" Maya interuped the silence.

"That sounds good." Respawn nodded with a dazed smile.

Maya grinned and began leaning onto him, resting her head on his shoulder.

Respawn was tense but he relaxed after awhile and rested his head on hers while watching the fireworks in silence. A comfortable silence.


So yeah I kind of ship them. Idk rlly. 

More Damian chapters coming soon. As you can see I was sorta in my Respawn phase, And Im not completely out so I'll shove those ideas to the side.

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