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Damian knows he shouldn't be this unalarmed. Is he truely getting rusty to the point where he couldn't see someone staring at him from the corner of his darkly lit bedroom? Maybe. The green eyes stared at him silently, which brought him unease.

Damian tried to pool himself in the sheets and ignore it. He couldn't.

So he decided to act like a good brother and do something about it.

He laid flat on his back and motioned for the person to come onto his bed. Respawn stepped out of the shadows, wearing something Damian remembered as his old shirt and sweatpants. Gingerly, Respawn came next to him.

"Whats wrong?" Damian sat up and asked. Groggily wiping his eyes.

"I cant sleep" Respawn admitted.

Damian watched as he subtely shifted closer towards him.

"Why not?" He questioned plopping back down.

"I dont know. I just cant" The white haired boy shrugged.

"Lay down" Damian ordered, his eyes staring above at the ceiling.

"Why-" Respawn spoke up.

"C'mon. Sleep" Damian cut him off patting the pillow

Respawn relcutantly laid down and stared at the ceiling. "This isnt helping Damian"

"Ill sing you a lullaby" Damian suggested, still looking upwards.

"A what..?" Respawn turned his head to stare at Damian. Awaiting an answer.

"Just hush" Damian sighed and shut his own eyes

Damian hummed for a little while which was soothing itself. Respawn shifted a bit and laid his head on Damians shoulder. Sure his hair was in Damians face, But Damian didnt say anything about it.

The vibrations itself were calming. So as Respawn laid there Damian sang this song, it was familiar but the gist was warm and sweet.

After a few moments, Damian swore he felt something wet on his arm. After a few seconds he realized Respawn was infact drooling, and sleeping like a baby. He tried not to mind the drool.

(Thats why Rose calls him Baby Re-Re at times. It pissed him tf off)

Damian himself, now had to get sleep. He most likely wont. This isnt the first time they've shared a bed. Respawn's clingy in his sleep.

After a few positions of attempting to have his own side. Damian gave in and let Respawn sleep on top of him or drape his arms over him. Whatever insures his sleep.


Short Ik...But Its fine. I have much more coming. I rushed to see if could do it fast! Ty for the request.

𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now