Mothers day gone right? PT 1

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Them getting gifts for their mothers? 

Say no more.


"It's hideous." Damian scoffed at his dear brothers choice.

"No it's not." Respawn argued and shook his head.

"She deserves better." Damian glared at Respawn who was kneeling on the floor, eyeing some jewelry.

Respawn examined the green emerald in the middle of the golden chain. He turned to Damian with trouble glistening in his own emrald eyes.

"Then she doesn't deserve you-" Before that comment was finished Damian had already tackled him to the floor. In public.

"Get-" Respawn pushed his arms out to get Damian off. "OFF ME-"


Before the jeweler noticed them two Connor yanked the collar of their shirts and seperated them.

"Stop it! I'm serious about this. We here to be decent and civil." Connor said and dropped their collars

"Understood?" He quizzed.

Respawn nodded while Damian tt'd.

Connor ignored that and began looking for some sort of jewelry item. Damian adjusted his own and walk off into another isle where Nika was scrutinizing the diamonds on a necklace.

"It's tacky." Damian pointed to excess glue on the rim. Nikas eyes widened. Had she not notice that in those 8 minutes of staring?

"Ugh." She flicked the shiny and most likely fake jem. "Nothing good here."

Damian nodded in agreeance. "We should have shopped in Star city. Gotham has fake shit."

"You think we should try something other then jewels?" Nika voiced her train of thought. Damian rolled his eyes.

"Like what? Plastic?"

Nika hummed. "Clothing? Flowers? I mean, we have all day. It's only the 10th. We have till the 12th." 

Damian paused before nodding.

"I'm sure my mother would appreciate new clothing along with flowers. What are you getting yours?"

"I'm not sure. I don't really know her preferences. When I was a kid she always loved accessories and wore bows and ribbons. I'll take a gamble with better quality earrings." Nika snapped her fingers.

Damian paused in thought before an idea striked him.

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded and turned the corner. He grabbed Respawn by the wrist and dragged him out the isle.

"Where are you guys-" Connor whipped around but his sentence was cut off by empty space.

Simply nobody was there.


"It's cold It's cold It's cold It's cold It's cold-" Respawn whined just to annoy Damian. It wasn't really cold.

"You said that already. Shut up." Damian grumbled and gripped his siblings wrist.

 "Fine." Respawn bit the inside of his cheek and allowed Damian to uncomfortably drag his right hand.

"Where are we going?"

Damian ignored him and continued walking.

"What are we getting her?" Respawn asked. Saying mother felt weird on the tounge.

"Everything. She deserves the best." Damian huffed with pride.

Respawn sulked. This was going to be a long day...

𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now