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Damian never took this long when fixing up his hair. He usually made sure it was adequate then continued with his day. 

Today was different, He stared in the mirror at his Reflection for what seemed to be hours ; But in Reality it was 30 minutes.

He stared at his face, eyeing every detail. his sharp emerlad like eyes scanning over his reflection. 

He scrutinized every inch of his face, examining every detail. His eyes were intense, his eyebrows shaped with precision. The sharp jawline and defined cheekbones were inherited from his father, Bruce Wayne. He ran his fingers through his dark damp hair he had just washed, pushing it back out of his face.

He noticed a small scar on his temple from a previous fight. He traced his finger over it, feeling the rough texture. Despite the wound being fully healed, it reminded him about his days in the league. The dangers and scars that were acquainted with it. 

His lips were full and firm, always set in a determined expression.

His skin was a rich Olive tone, reminiscent of his mother's heritage. He admired the way the sunlight made his skin glow, causing it to radiate warmth.

Looking back into his own eyes, Damian saw a sense of determination and bravery. He had inherited so much from his father, including his unwavering dedication to Vigilantism.

But he also knew that there was more to him than Bruce or Talias influence. 

He shaped himself into his own person, and he was proud of the legacy he was creating for himself.

The Fifth Robin. 

He may not be the first to be Robin, or the first to do anything related to that, But hes come so far that it doesn't matter like it used to. Hes not Insecure about his place, Hes learned to accept it.

He survive way too many things to be dismissed as Just another Robin.

Hes Damian Wayne, Damian Al Ghul, Hafid Al Ghul, and Ibn al Xu'ffasch.

Most Importantly hes Damian. Just Damian and hes killing it.

"I Wonder what Mother would think" he whispered to himself before he turned away from the mirror. He let out an exhausted sigh.

Even though hes his own person, He cares about what his mother or father think of him.

 Its a weight that he has to carry on his shoulders- Which he must also keep straight and Weightless like Talia used to say. 

He can only do so much.... And its devouring him from inside

𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now