Japanese Cherry Blossom

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"I said I was awake!" Respawn jolted forward almost hitting his head against the thingy-  (headboard)

He was too tired to come up with a name for it.

"Yet you were sleeping" Damian countered with his eyes on the road and hands on the sterling wheel.

Respawn was 99.9% it was not legal for a 14 year old to drive.

But here they are.

"Its 9pm" Respawn leaned back and shut his eyes under his mask. He was not sleeping, of course not.

"Dont be a baby and stay awake" Damian looked to his side for a split second and shoved Respawn awake.

It was true, He falls asleep by 9pm. Before, he rarely slept. So thank Rose for treating him like a child and making him sleep by 9.

"I already said I was awake-" Respawn sat straight quickly but as he did that he smelled something sweet but bitter.

It was oddly familiar.

He guessed it to be those overly expensive bottles that carry smell waves. Basically perfume.

"Who did you have in here?" Respawn suddently asked while eyeing the back seat suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" Damian asked bluntly while swerving through traffic.

"Why are the seats reclined?" 

Damian was dead silent for a few minutes.

"Japanese Cherry Blossom" Respawn leaned forward to see Damians eyes staring ahead.

That was the smell indeed.

"Nika" Damian answered the'who did you have in here' question.

Respawn was not satisfied. That was very....suspicious.

(But hes innocent minded)

"So you slept with her?" 

Damian was a bit stunned he accidently almost hit some car. Drifting around it dangerously.

"No! We didn't do that!" When he got the opportunity he took a hand off the wheel and swatted Respawn for that comment.

"Well Then what?! You reclined the seats and had Nika in here with you, and you usually recline the back seats to sleep. So you slept with her." Respawn throughly explained his slow thought process which was suspiciously innocent for someone who has murdered with their bare hands.

"Oh." Damian said quietly pressing his lips in a thin line.

"Thats what you meant." He slowly nodded in slight disbelief.

"Wait wait wait, what DID you think?" Respawn pressed.

"Just Go back to sleep." Damian noticably flushed while using his free hand to push Respawns head back onto the headrest.


1 Request story done out of 12. 

I liked writing this one because its so obviously but funny.

𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now