Chapter Six

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I finish tying up the bandages that around the knuckles on his right hand. I put the gauze down next to me and kiss his cheek. He takes my face in his good hand and pecks me on the lips quickly. I smile shyly before picking up the gauze and standing up.

“Alright, get on your stomach. I need to bandage up your back.” Louis groans but nods. He pulls off his shirt and throws it onto one of his pillows. He repositions himself on his now clean and made bed and lies down on his stomach, positioning his head so that it’s on its side. I sit myself on top of his back, and stare down at the scratches on his back with wide eyes. They are still bleeding a little, which is not good. There is a bit of blood smeared on his back too. I feel myself frown, not completely sure about who or what did this to him. 

It’s a good thing Mary taught me a lot about first aid. I open up the first aid kit and take out some plastic medical gloves, the same ones that doctors usually wear when you get a check up, and stick my hands into them. Next I grab some paper towel that I brought upstairs before I started to bandage him up and use it to hold direct pressure onto the first six cuts because it’s all one word: You’re. You’re supposed to put pressure onto the wound a lot of the times, and if it’s possible, you sometimes have to elevate it too, but he can’t because it’s on his back and I’m sitting on him because it’s the easiest way to bandage him up. I also place a lot of it on the rest of his back and place heavy books on top of them, because it will take me maybe about two hours to do this if I repeat this method for each word. 

I wish that I patched up his back sooner, because now the cuts are just ever so slightly swollen. I keep the pressure there for a good fifteen minutes like you’re supposed to, resisting any urge I get to remove the paper towel to see if his back has stopped bleeding.

After fifteen minutes, I check his back. The first word has stopped bleeding, so I get off him. “Stay there, I’ve only just begun. This will take awhile anyway.” I hear him groan into the sheets and I chuckle silently. 

I remove my gloves before taking a piece of paper towel and soaking it, rushing over to Louis and pressing the sheet down on his back for five minutes, cleaning it a little. I remove it and stand up again, tossing the sheet in the waste-bin by his desk. I remove my gloves and throw them in there as well. I go to his personal washroom that’s in his bedroom and wash my hands with soap and water. 

When I finish washing my hands, I put on a new pair of medical gloves and sit on his back again. I take out a fresh clean pair of tweezers and remove any large pieces of dirt or debris, being careful not to push the tweezers too deep into his wound. I take another wet cloth and soak his wound some more to remove any leftover dirt. 

I finally finish cleaning his wound. I rub some antibiotic ointment onto the wound so that it will help the wound heal and so that the Band-Aid won’t stick to his wound. I take some clean gauze and bandages out of the first aid kit, applying the gauze onto the word and using some of the bandages to help it stick better. 

I repeat these steps for every word, being careful not to mess up. It takes me a full two hours to finish. I wash my hands one last time and put everything away before I lay myself down on Louis’ bed. Louis is standing by his dresser, delicately pulling a new blue shirt over his shoulders and onto his body. He rejoined me on his bed and we both laid down, him wrapping his arms around me. I kissed his cheek lightly and he chuckled once again. We laid there in silence for several minutes.

“You know what I just realized?” Louis asked, breaking the silence that was taking over us. 


He repositioned us both so that I was on top of him. He helped me sit up and I stared down at him. He was wearing a small smile. He took my right hand in his left hand, holding it gently. He bent his knees so that they were like a support for my back. I smiled down at him, wondering what was going on in that head of his. “I haven’t taken you on a date in a really long time.” He answered with a smile in his voice. My smile faltered slightly, and before I could cover it up Louis frowned at me, confusion clearly being shown on his face. “What’s wrong, love?” 

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