Chapter Twenty One

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Zayn’s P.O.V

I groaned in pain as I saw the bright lights coming from outside. I shut my eyes again, and rolled over, facing my back towards the sun. I groan in pain after moving, and lay limp, not wanting to cause any more pain than what I was already in. Every part of me hurt like hell, and I felt like I could barely even speak as well. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to be enveloped in darkness again but failed to do so, because even though I was exhausted, something wouldn’t let me sleep. I just lay awake in the bare bed for a while; my head rested on its side on the pillow. I managed to move my right arm a bit so I could see my watch and check the time. It was ten thirty in the morning. I moved my wrist back to it’s original position and shut my eyes again, hoping to get just a little more sleep.

After a while I heard a soft knocking on the door. I was startled this time, because I didn’t hear anyone’s heart beating before they knocked, although that must be a good sign because I could only hear heart’s beat when I was a vampire. The soft knocking continued, but I just didn’t answer due to how weak and tired I was. After a minute or so I heard the doorknob twist a little and then the door open. I don’t bother to look up to see who it is; I just keep my eyes closed. I hear footsteps approach me as I hear the bed creak next to me. I finally open my eyes and look over my shoulder and see Alexis sitting at the edge of my bed, staring down at me.

I slowly roll onto my other side so I can face her, wincing in pain every so often. When I finally made it onto my other side I snuggled deeper into my pillow, still staring up at her. “How do you feel?” She asks softly. 

“Like crap,” I reply. She chuckles lightly, giving a small smile revealing some dimples. “Everything hurts like hell.”

“Yeah, sometimes it’s like that. Sometimes you’re lucky and you don’t feel completely like crap and it doesn’t hurt like hell whenever you move. I should know. Dean once got turned into a vampire, but that’s when we found the cure, and that’s why we know how to deal with curing vampires. Also, when he was cured it didn’t hurt like hell for him to move, but he kind of felt like crap for a day or so.” She said softly. I nodded numbly. I never knew Dean got turned into a vampire. Well, it’s not something to really talk about.

“How long will it last?” I ask. She shrugs, sighing quietly.

“Maybe a day or two. I think you should probably not move a lot.” She said. I nodded again, closing my eyes. “Now come on, you need something to eat.” She said, standing up.

“But it hurts to move.” I groaned, shutting my eyes tighter. Alexis laughs lightly.

“I know, but I’ll help you down. Come on, please? Everyone is really worried about you.” She said. I groaned in pain and frustration as I finally gave in, slowly sitting up, trying not to cause too much pain to my body. I winced every time I moved quickly, but managed to sit up straight and swing my feet over the side of the bed where she is standing. “Oh, and you might wanna watch your step. You don’t wanna step in your own puke, now do you?” She joked. I chuckled lightly and shook my head as I scooted closer to the edge and stood up, making sure not to step in the puke. I tried taking one step forward, but lost my balance. I would have fell if Alexis hadn’t caught me.

“I think I can’t walk.” I said quietly as she helped me stand straight.

“Yeah, I thought so.” She chuckled lightly. She wrapped an arm around me as I wrapped an arm around her, letting her do most of the work as she helped me down the hallway and down the stairs. We slowly went down, step by step, until we finally reached the bottom of the stairs. I started to limp as she helped me into the living room. “Look who finally woke up!” She said cheerfully. I looked around at everyone to see their expression’s were a mixture of worry and happiness.

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