Chapter Thirty Nine

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To say that dinner was awkward would be an understatement.

No one spoke at all, the only sounds being the utensils scraping against the place and the occasional cough. No one talked, or even tried to start a conversation. I guess the boys knew something was up between Louis and I, considering we weren’t really sitting next to each other. In fact, we were on opposite ends of the table.

Louis didn’t look up once, most likely trying to avoid eye contact with me. I could say I was doing the same, except I was looking up. I just wasn’t looking directly at him. Instead I kept looking at Harry, who kept giving me worried looks every so often. He would mouth, ‘What’s wrong?’ and I would simply just shake my head and look away. But I knew he was still worried, and was probably going to confront me about it later.

My eyes drifted down to my plate, my food barely even touched. I guess I just wasn’t very hungry. Yeah, that’s why, I thought. I used my fork to move a piece of lettuce around on my plate, watching it with bored eyes. I don’t even know what I’m doing right now, I really don’t.

“Alexis, are you okay? You’ve barely touched your food,” Niall’s voice spoke, interrupting the awkward silence that had fallen upon us when we had started dinner. My head snapped up and I looked over at him with a blank expression before I nodded, giving him a smile.

“Yeah, I’m just not that hungry,” I lied. Damn, I do that all the time now.

“Are you sure? You don’t seem fine,” Zayn spoke up. I looked over at him and gave him a reassuring smile.

“Yeah,” I said with another nod, “I’m perfectly fine.”

Zayn looked at me hesitantly before sighing and going back to his food, shaking his head slightly. I looked over at Louis who was looking up at me with sad eyes. Once he realized I was looking at him he looked back down at his food, picking at it lazily. I looked down as well, frowning slightly. I felt so bad. It was my fault that he was in emotional pain. Why can’t I do anything right?

A sigh left my lips as I thought about how hard this decision was. On one hand, Dean was right, if I went with Louis on tour I’d be able to help if anything from my world came and tried to attack. But, at the same time if I go I could be putting him and the boys in more danger, and I really don’t want that. And now Louis is saying that it might be best if we split so I won’t be stressed? Why would he say that? I knew that with dating him I would end up being more stressed and worried about the demons and stuff, but does he really think that leaving him will make me feel any better? No, it won’t make me feel better. I just know that it won’t. I just know it.

“You guys excited for the tour?” Niall asked. We all looked over at him, and the boys all smiled and nodded, including Louis. Although his smile seemed more forced.

“Yeah, I can’t believe this is happening in a couple of weeks,” Liam said excitedly.

“And the movie too! I never pictured that happening either,” Harry said before taking a sip of water.

“What about you, Louis?” Zayn asked, looking over at him. “Aren’t you excited?”

Louis shrugged and nodded. “Yeah, I guess,” Louis muttered, looking down at his plate.

“What’s wrong, mate?” Niall asked. “You seem a little down.”

“I’m fine,” Louis reassured.

“You sure? You don’t seem fi-”

“I SAID I’M FINE, DAMMIT!” Louis shouted, standing up and slamming his fist on the table. We all looked at him with wide eyes while Louis looked around at us, breathing heavily. Then he seemed to have realized what he had done and sat down quickly, looking down at his plate. “S-Sorry.”

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