Chapter Seventeen

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No One’s P.O.V

Zayn wandered through the streets, checking out the different stores, but not really buying anything. He had finished a movie at the Movie Theater a few hours ago, but didn’t feel like going home so he decided to walk around town. He hadn’t bought much, but didn’t care. He just needed some time alone.

He let out a long breath, watching as it came out in the air as a puff. He shoved his already freezing hands deeper into his pockets, shivering a little. It was freezing outside still, and his coat wasn’t the best one for winter. The sky had become dark, the streetlights shining in the streets. Snow was everywhere on the ground. The streets were crowded with people, and he bumped shoulders with a few citizens every now and again, although he didn’t care because he was just focusing on himself at the moment, thinking about what he wanted to do next. He knew it was getting late, but he still didn’t want to go to the house yet. He still wanted to be alone.

Zayn looked over to his right and saw a nearby park. He smiled lightly as he looked both ways before crossing the road and entering the dark park. Snow was laying everywhere, making the ground look completely white. Trees surrounded the park, making everything seem darker. The park looked nearly empty. The only light around was few lights from the city and the streetlights that lined the sidewalks. Zayn took in a breath before walking around the park, the snow crunching beneath his feet being the only noticeable sound around. There was an unpleasant feeling in the air, and it made Zayn very uncomfortable.

Zayn walked around for a while, not really sure where he was going. He didn’t know how long he was out for, but he really didn’t care. He started to feel as if he was being followed. He looked over his shoulder but saw no one behind him. He shrugged the feeling off and continued to walk, although he still felt like he was being followed no matter how much he ignored it. It was just uncomfortable. And it wasn’t the greatest feeling to have when you were walking around alone at night.

Suddenly he heard something like footsteps behind him. He immediately spun around to see who was following him, but once again saw no one. He felt his heart begin to pound at a slightly quicker pace. He turned around again and started to jog, hoping to find a way out of the park. He didn’t like how uncomfortable he now felt and he just wanted to get the hell out of the park and go home. He knew he was currently unsafe. He started to hear the footsteps behind him again, and he started to run faster. He heard the footsteps quicken behind him, which made him even more nervous. His heart began to pound even faster than before, his palms going sweaty despite how cold his hands were, and his eyes were wide in fear.

He ran as fast as he could, now hearing the footsteps running at the same pace as he was. He saw a large tree off to the side, and quickly bolted behind it. He hid behind the tree, trying his best to be quiet while he panted. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to hide there forever, but this gave him a bit of time. He quickly pulled out his phone, sending the first person he could think of – Louis – a message.


He was about to put his phone away when he suddenly heard what sounded like a twig breaking behind him. He winced, slowly turning around to see whom it was. Before he could see who it was, something hard hit his face and he collapsed to the ground, his whole world going black around him.

Alexis’ P.O.V

I called Zayn’s phone for the tenth time, once again being left to his voicemail. Where was he? Why did he need help? Why wasn’t he answering his phone? 

We were all speechless. What happened to Zayn? He’s not answering his phone, he hasn’t sent us any other messages, and usually when someone texts the word ‘help’ it means that they’re in big trouble. We were all really worried. If Zayn got seriously hurt again, I would really hate myself. They just went through a bunch of shit a month ago and now more shit is happening. I blame myself. I dragged them into this life, and now they’re stuck. I tried calling Zayn one more time. The phone rang a few times before it went to his voicemail again. I groaned loudly in frustration and hung up my phone, shoving it into my pocket.

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