Chapter Twenty Nine

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Niall’s P.O.V

I pulled the key out of the ignition, my hand shaking slightly. Why was I so nervous? Was it the fact that Harry could possibly be possessed? Probably. If Harry’s possessed, there’s no telling what might happen or what he might do. When Louis was possessed by that demon a while ago he did a lot to hurt us. Alexis and Zayn nearly died! I still have faint scars on my arms from where he cut them. Sometimes I even have nightmares from that night. It’s embarrassing to admit it, but it’s true. That night will haunt me forever.

I really hope Harry isn’t possessed. It was already a raging pain the ass trying to get the demon out of Louis a month ago, and look what happened. Zayn, Louis and Alexis all got hospitalized. Although Louis was let out later that night after he woke up. Harry even got possessed a bit before that. I remember how he was a mess for a while after waking up in that motel, covered in blood and not remembering what had happened. He doesn’t deserve to be possessed again. No one deserves to be possessed. From seeing what happened to Harry and Louis, it doesn’t seem fun. 

I let out a shaky breath. Shoving my car keys into my pocket, I unlocked the car and opened the door. I got out and slammed the door shut, locking my car afterwards. I checked my pockets to make sure I had everything I need.

Phone: Check!

Car keys: Check!

House keys: Check!

Bottle of Holy Water: Check!

Inhaling deeply, exhaling shakily afterwards, I started to slowly walk towards the theater in front of me. I kept my hood up and my head low, not wanting to be recognized by any fans. I love my fans. I really do. I just don’t really have time to be surrounded by them right now. If it were any other ordinary day where Harry wasn’t possessed and I was just out going for a walk, maybe I would have time. But I don’t. I need to find Harry. We need to find him. We have to. I don’t want anything happening to him or anyone else if he is in fact possessed. Who knows what could happen!

Slowly I got closer to the theater, and soon I was walking up the steps and nearing the glass front doors. I shakily pushed the lever on the door, opening it. I walked in, instantly being greeted by a warm breeze and the smell of fresh buttery popcorn. The smell filled my nostrils, making me smile. I haven’t been to the theater in a while. Maybe after all this Harry drama, I’ll come here by myself and watch something here. It would be nice to do before going on tour.

I looked around the theater. The walls were black with glow-in-the-dark stars plastered all over the walls and ceiling. The floors were a red square patterned carpet. Over to my right was the ticket section. To my left was some arcade games. In the middle was a huge snack-bar area. Over at the back wall were two red doors, a sign over them saying ‘washroom’. I think I’ll ask one of the workers if they’ve seen Harry first.

I quickly walk over to the ticket area, keeping my head low as I pass a group of teenage girls – one of them wearing a shirt with our band logo on it. When I passed them I mentally sighed in relief, thankful that they didn’t recognize me. As I got closer to the counter I took in the appearance of the worker. He looked to be in his late teens, maybe a couple years younger than I. His skin seemed more tan than other teens did around here. Maybe he wasn’t from Topeka? His ashy blonde hair was brushed neatly, some of it falling over his dark green eyes. He wore a black and purple T-shirt with the name of the theater on the front of it. The small nametag on his shirt said Henry. The name didn’t exactly fit his appearance, but hey, I’m not the one to judge.

Finally reaching the counter, I cleared my throat. The boy – Henry – looked up at me, boredom clear in his expression. I noticed a few pimples on his forehead, but just ignored them.

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