Chapter Seven

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It’s been another six days since I saw Louis or any of the boys for a matter of fact. I told them I needed some time to myself, which is true. I did need time to myself now. Everyone kept bothering me about needing me for emotional support, but I just said enough. After Louis and I had our date, I told him I needed a few days to myself, and he understood that completely. He hasn’t bothered me since, and surprisingly, I’m a little happy about that.

No one has reported seeing Harry since his disappearance. I’m getting even more worried now, because it’s getting even closer to the boys tour. They leave at the end of this month, February. There are about two weeks left until the boys have to go! I hope Harry is found soon, because that will probably make everyone happy, including myself!

Cali still hasn’t talked to me now, for about a week. I call home and her mom, Crystal, says that Cali doesn’t leave her room unless it’s to get something to eat, drink, or use the washroom. She usually keeps her door locked so no one can get into her room. They’ve tried getting her to call or text me, but she refuses to do anything. I feel really bad for Cali. She is heartbroken because the love of her life is missing. I would be too, if it were Louis. But I wouldn’t just sit around and mope all day; I would actually go and look for him myself. I would go and look for Harry, but I don’t have the money to fly to England and I’m not letting the boys pay for a flight. It would be too much to ask for. 

Dean says that they should be home in a couple days. Mary and John have been spending more time together, away from the house. It’s because their time is almost up. Soon they will die…I’m actually a bit ready for it. I knew it was coming, and so I’ll live. It will be hard, but I will get through it, along with Sam and Dean. I think Castiel said they have like a week left or something, at least that is what Dean told me he said. But it won’t be like a painful death or something. They’ll sort of just disappear or something, so it will make it less painful.

I wonder what I will do after Mary and John die…Maybe we’ll get a new place and I’ll have to maybe break up with Louis because it’s long distance and I’ll be spending more time hunting. Maybe I’ll move in with Cali. Maybe I’ll move in with Louis and the boys. My life has been so much more difficult since I started to date Louis, and sometimes, even though I love him with all my heart, I wish that I never met Louis. I love him so much, but it’s just that I had to lie to him for most of the time that I knew him, and since we’re dating and even though he now knows the truth, it’s hard to do as much hunting and working. I haven’t done a lot of hunting lately, which, even though it’s kind of nice, it’s weird because I have gotten so used to this life. Yes I want a normal life as well; maybe that’s why I dated Louis besides the fact that I love him. But I know I can probably never live a normal life, but a girl can dream, right?

I sigh and look down at the almost completely invisible lines on my arms, thinking about that night. Louis still seems very hurt from it, but it’s seriously not his fault. He wouldn’t do what he did to me if he wanted to, and he wouldn’t do it to anyone else to. I know people who have gotten possessed by a demon before and they got over it quicker. A lot of them weren’t even hunter’s. A demon named Meg once possessed Sam. We’ve had to deal with her a few times, and she’s even helped Sam and Dean a couple times. I still want to kill her, but I don’t. I trust her, yet I don’t trust her because she’s a demon.

Louis needs to learn to get over this, so do the rest of the boy’s. It wasn’t Louis’ fault that he was possessed. He didn’t try to get possessed, and he didn’t want to either! He needs to learn to move on from it! All of the boy’s do! Yes, it sounds harsh, but it’s true! I’ve gone through worst than the torture the demon gave me. Hell, I’ve been killed a few times too! Not kidding! But I was brought back by angels usually. I haven’t told Louis or the boys that though, because I don’t want to freak them out more. 

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