Chapter Fourteen

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We all sat in the living room, an uncomfortable and awkward silence taking over us. Harry was sitting next to me, but was about a foot away. I think he could tell that Louis wasn’t impressed with him by the way that his muscles were tense. Cali was watching him nervously, Zayn and Liam stared at him with a blank expression, and Niall just looked a little nervous. Louis looked rather pissed off actually, but it was obvious that he was keeping it cool.

I think that everyone else is overreacting just a little. I mean, they’ve all gotten pretty drunk before, except Cali. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Once I had to literally carry Louis to the car and drive him home. Then I had to pin him to the bed so that he would fall asleep. He’s stubborn when he’s drunk. Wow, I can be so ADD at times. Anyway, it’s not good that he got drunk, but yeah, it doesn’t happen too often, so it’s not a very big deal. It’s just the fact of how he acted last night before he got drunk and how he’s acted this morning. That’s what everyone is so upset about.

Harry leans back awkwardly onto the wall, looking around the room, avoiding everyone’s eye contact. I can sort of see why he’s nervous. He doesn’t even remember what he did last night, so to learn what he did will be a little awkward. This is why I never get drunk. I mean yeah, I do drink beer occasionally, but that’s when I’m with Sam and Dean, and we’re usually on a hunt, and I never get drunk or wasted, not even tipsy. It’s hard for us three to get drunk or wasted.

Harry shifts uncomfortably in his seat before finally speaking up. “Are you guys going to just stare at me forever? It’s seriously getting annoying.” He snaps. His eyes then widen, and he closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. He looks down while shaking his head. “Sorry.” He mumbles. He runs a hand through his hair nervously, looking up at all of us.

Louis sighs, taking in a deep breath. “What the hell happened to you, Harry?” Louis asks. Harry doesn’t respond, he just looks down nervously. “I mean yeah, everyone gets drunk at one point and does stupid things, it’s just the way you acted last night before you even left and how you acted towards us this morning. It isn’t like you.” Louis said. Harry still didn’t say anything, and he just continued to look down. 

“Harry, answer him.” Cali said. Harry’s head suddenly snapped up and he was sending a harsh glare at Cali.

“You can’t tell me what to do, so shut up!” Harry snapped. We all gawked at him as his expression softened. “Sorry,” he mumbled once again. Cali scoffed, rolling her eyes and leaning back into the couch a bit. 

“Yeah, sure you are.” She muttered quietly. I saw Harry clench his fists in anger, so tight that his knuckles turned white. I could see his muscles getting a bit tense as he shut his eyes tightly. He almost looked as if he were in pain. We all shared a confused glance with each other as we looked back at Harry, who seemed to be calming himself down a little.

“Harry, what was that?” Niall asked.

“What was what?” Harry asked, his voice sort of monotone.

“You just looked like you were about to blow your top off.” Liam answered for Niall. 

“So?” Harry said, straightening himself up a little. “Why does it matter?”

“Because you don’t usually act like this, and we are allowed to ask questions.” Cali said softly. Harry rolled his eyes, slouching in his position, crossing his arms over his chest, and positioning his legs like mine were. He looked pretty bored and uninterested, comparing it to the expression he wore when he came in here – he looked nervous when he came in.

“Well quit worrying about me, I’m completely fine.” Harry muttered, rolling his eyes for the second time while he was down here. This boy rolls his eyes a lot.

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