Chapter Thirty

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Louis’ P.O.V

I stopped my car at a red light, waiting for it to change. I let out a soft sigh, biting my lip. I could feel my heartbeat hammering inside my chest. My hands were shaking as they gripped the steering wheel tightly, my knuckles beginning to slowly turn paler and paler, almost white. I looked out the windows to see all the cars outside. Cars were parked all around me, honking their horns for no reason. I looked straight ahead of me again; looking up at the light that was still red. Cars were driving by in front of us in the other direction while pedestrians were walking across the road, taking their time, as the light wasn’t changing quickly. I pulled my left hand away from the steering wheel and looked down at my wrist where my watch was. 2:45 already. Holy crap! I’ve been driving for a long time.

I sat there for a while, taking in deep breaths and letting them out shakily. I focused hard on keeping my breathing under control. I was honestly nervous. If Harry was possessed, who knows what could happen? Remembering how much pain he was in the last time he was possessed, I know he doesn’t wanna go through that again. Although then he didn’t know about what’s out or that Alexis hunted them. We know now, and so we at least have an idea of how to fight them since Alexis basically had no choice but to show us a few things since I tried to kill them all when I was possessed. 

My grip immediately tightened on the steering wheel as memories from that night started to flood into my mind. My knuckles turned sheet white while my hands were becoming red. My blood boiled at the thought of that demon riding around in my skin over a month ago. I was glad that the demon was gone, but the guilt was still there. It was my hands that had caused her and the boys all the pain they were in for so long. If I could go back in time, I would make sure that we had never gone into that house. It was my idea to go into the house. Alexis knew that it wasn’t a good idea to go in. I made her agree. It was my fault that we had gone through weeks of Hell. I swear that one day, if I can, I will find that demon and kill it myself. 

I shook my head, pushing the thoughts of my demonic possession from a month ago and focused on figuring out if Harry was going to be possessed or not. I looked at my watch to see it was now 2:50. I looked up at the light to see it was still red. I groaned loudly in annoyance and frustration. I was getting pissed off. WHEN IS THIS BLOODY DAMN LIGHT GOING TO CHANGE? 

“DAMMIT, COME THE F*CK ON! CHANGE ALREADY!” I shouted, honking my horn. The cars started honking their horns – probably at me – while shouting words at me that I couldn’t make out since my windows were closed. I bit my tongue, holding back another angered shout. I don’t know why I was so angry. It was probably because I was worried about Harry and because I started thinking about the demon attack. Those memories always piss me off.

After another minute, the light finally changed to green and I let out a huff. Took them long enough, I thought. I started to drive forward, looking around for a place I could park my car that was near the park. I had to find Harry. If he was possessed, anything bad could happen. He could hurt someone. Hell, the demon could hurt him. I’m really hoping he’s not possessed, and that he’s just keeping something from us that’s making him act like an ass. We really didn’t need a possession at the moment. He didn’t need it. He had already gotten possessed once. If he were possessed again, this would be his second time.

Driving for a few minutes, I then decided to turn on the radio to try and help me relax slightly. I turned on the radio and it’s on a radio channel that’s talking about some missing people. Usually I would change the channel, but instead I leave it on, curiosity getting the best of me.

“Still no news on the whereabouts of Cassie Burns, Jenna Brown, Henry Tucker, Natasha Evans, or Joseph Melanson. They have been missing for a few weeks now. No sightings have been made. Police are still trying to figure out who this mysterious kidnapper is. Some are even wondering if it is the same person who had taken Harry Styles weeks ago. If there are any sightings of any one of them, please call the police right away.”

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