Chapter Twelve

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Cali, Louis and I sat in his room as we talked about what we were going to do with Harry. None of us knew what was up with his attitude change, but it definitely was not a good thing. I wish we could figure out what was up with Harry. No one likes his new attitude, and hopefully we can fix everything. I don’t want Harry staying like this forever.

“Do you think the hate from fans is getting to him?” Cali asked. Louis shook his head.

“No, that can’t be it. It’s not so bad anymore. He barely notices it.” Louis replied. I sighed as I lay down on his bed, looking at my picture on my phone, not sure of what to do.

“Well there has to be something that made him talk rude about bisexuals then go out and get drunk! I mean, does that sound like the Harry we know? No, it doesn’t.” Cali said a bit sassily. Louis stood up and put a hand on his hip.

“Hey! The sass is my thing!” Louis replied back to her with a sassy tone. Cali stood up and mimicked Louis’ position.

“You really wanna go?” Cali asked sassily. I rolled my eyes, sitting up.

“Shut up! We’re trying to figure out what’s wrong with Harry. This isn’t some sort of sass off!” I say bluntly. They both roll their eyes and sit back down. I lay back down again and continue looking through stuff on my phone.

“Well, none of us have any idea what’s wrong with him.” Louis says.

“No shit, Sherlock.” Cali hissed. Louis sent her a glare and I roll my eyes. Lately, Cali and Louis haven’t really been getting along. I roll my eyes at her.

“I don’t need your attitude.”

“Oh, what are you? My father?” Cali shoots back daringly. I roll my eyes.

“I know you’re worried about Harry but don’t take your crap out on me!” Louis says firmly. Cali starts to laugh a little.

“You’re doing it too!” She exclaims.

“Whatever.” Louis says.

“Look Louis, I get it, you’re worried about Harry! I am too! I’M HIS GIRLFRIEND FOR GOD’S SAKE! You’re not the only one who cares about Harry!” Cali exclaims.

“Yeah? Well…” Louis starts but I cut him off.

“BOTH OF YOU JUST SHUT THE HELL UP! We’re all worried about Harry! Not just you two! Now enough with the arguing! It’s getting stupid!” I say firmly. They look at me wide eyed, probably because they don’t hear me yell a lot. But they shouldn’t be shocked. “Quit arguing with each other, please! I can’t stand it.” I say, softer this time. They both sigh and stop arguing. 

“So, how are we going to find out about why Harry’s acting different?” Cali asks.

“I don’t know.” Louis answers. Okay, sometimes these two aren’t very bright.

“Why don’t we just ask them, geniuses?” I ask sarcastically. It’s actually a suggestion, but I’m saying it sarcastically because it took them so long to realize that we could just do that. They both nod in agreement.

“Wow, I should have thought of that earlier.” Cali said and I nodded.

“Louis, you ask him since you know him the best.” I say.

“Why me?” Louis ask.

“Because she’s your girlfriend, and she said so. Now come on!” Cali says. Louis rolls his eyes and leaves his room, walking over to Harry’s.

Louis’ P.O.V

I left Alexis and Cali in my room as I slowly walk over to Harry’s bedroom door. I knock on it lightly. “Harry, can I come in?” I ask. There isn’t any response. “Harry?” I ask. Still no response. I twist the doorknob, seeing that it’s unlocked, and open the door slowly. It creaks as I open it to reveal the lights all turned off and harry laying on his bed, his back facing mine. “Harry? Are you alright?” I ask while I turn on the bedroom light. I hear Harry groan as he sits up a little, rubbing his head.

“Leave me alone.” Harry mutters. I shut the door behind me as I slowly walk over to his bed.

“Harry, are you okay?” I ask.

“I said to freakin’ leave me alone, Lou.” Harry spits, sitting up properly\ and sending me a glare. His hair falls over his face, blocking it. I sigh and sit on his bed.

“What’s wrong, Harry? This isn’t you.” I say. Harry leans on his pillow.

“None of your business.” Harry says.

“But Harry…” I start off but Harry interrupts me.

“I SAID NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS, LOUIS! LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!” Harry shouts. I don’t leave my place.

“Everyone is worried about you though.” I say. Harry just rolls his eyes, scoffing.

“They don’t need to. I’m perfectly fine!” Harry snarls.

“Then why did you go out and get drunk last night?” I asked.

Harry shrugged. “Because I wanted to. I can do what I want, Louis. I’m an adult.” He hisses. 

I scoff, rolling my eyes. “I’m older than you.”

“Just because you’re older than me, doesn’t mean that you can tell me what I can and can’t do, Louis! Just quit worrying about me,” Harry takes a deep breath. “Get out of my room.” He says firmly.

“But…” Harry cuts me off again.

“GET OUT OF MY DAMN ROOM BEFORE I MAKE YOU!” He shouts. I sigh, getting up and walking over to the door. I open it, taking one last look at Harry.

“I don’t like this new attitude, Harry. No one does.” I say. Harry scoffs again, laying on his back and having his arms crossed over his chest.

“Whatever, just get out.”

I frown, turning around and leaving his room, shutting the door behind me. I walk back over to my room where Alexis and Cali are giving me concerned looks. “What happened in there? I heard yelling?” Cali asks.

“Harry’s just moody.” I mumble, sitting next to Alexis and wrapping an arm around her. “He is definitely hiding something. When I asked him what’s wrong he said, ‘none of your damn business’. That isn’t like him. I don’t know what’s up with him, but we need to find out.” I say. Alexis and Cali nod.

“I just hope that this won’t last too long. It’s almost time for you guys to leave for your tour, and I don’t think it will be fun having a grumpy and rude Harry with you.” Alexis says. I nod.

“I hope so too.” I mumble.

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