Chapter Thirty Four

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No One’s P.O.V

The world around Niall was spinning out of control. He could barely focus his vision on anything. His body was sore everywhere, and he literally couldn’t move at all. If he even moved a millimeter, vibrations of pain would travel throughout his body. He felt like he was paralyzed. He felt immobile. He couldn’t move at all. Black was rimming the edges of his vision, making it even more difficult for him to see. He blinked a numerous amount of times, trying to clear his vision up, but it wouldn’t work. There was a pounding in his head that wouldn’t go away no matter what. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest so hard. It felt it was about to burst out of his chest. He knew he was in a serious condition, and would probably need a doctor soon.

Niall attempted to slowly sit up, but it only ended in him falling back down onto his back, groaning in pain. The pain was almost too much for him to handle. He was surprised he hasn’t gone into shock yet from how much pain he was in. He slowly tried to sit up again, but the pain was too much once again and he fell back down onto his back, breathing heavily. He didn’t want to give up though. He couldn’t. He had to help Alexis and the others get the demon out of Harry. He had to. Harry was his band mate, and he looked out for him just as much as he looked out for the others. They all looked out for each other. They were like brothers. And a good brother would try to help out his brother when they are in trouble or in danger.

Niall tried to think of a way he could get back in and help everyone, but it was hard since thinking a lot hurt his head even more. There was a slight chance that he had a concussion, but he would worry about that later. He had to focus on Harry. He continued to think of ways that he could get in there to help everyone. He couldn’t get up and walk in obviously, because that would require having the strength to actually get up. Maybe he could crawl! Broken glass surrounded Niall’s injured body, so Niall would have to be careful when he moved. Niall slowly rolled onto his stomach, being careful to not come in contact with any glass, and groaned in pain afterwards. Okay, bad idea, Niall thought to himself. He was stumped. He couldn’t think of anything else to do.

Niall rolled onto his back again, groaning in pain. He laid his head back and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to ignore the excruciating pain he was in. It felt like he was being jabbed with a bunch of knifes. It felt like all of his bones were broken, although they probably weren’t. Maybe one or two of them, but not all of them, because then he probably wouldn’t have even been able to roll onto his back at all. He just hoped he wasn’t in a too severe condition.

All of a sudden, an ear piercing ringing resounded throughout Niall’s ears. It was a high pitched sound that would not go away. He slowly moved his hands over his ears in an attempt to block out the sound, but it didn’t block it out. In fact, the sound got louder and louder with each second going by. He felt a warm liquid dripping onto his hands and he knew his ears were bleeding. He cried out in pain, wanting the loud noise to go away. Next, a bright, blinding light shone down on him from the sky. It was so bright that Niall had to squint in order to see anything. He looked into the light and he swore he faintly saw a figure in the light. The figure looked like a man, but it had faint wings unlike normal humans did. It was slowly coming closer to him.

“Hello, Niall,” a deep voice said softly, almost in a whisper.

“W-Who are you?” Niall asked quietly, barely being able to speak. Something must be wrong with him. He must have hit his head harder than he thought. He had to be hallucinating! This wasn’t happening! He was sure of it!

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