Chapter Twenty Three

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Zayn’s P.O.V

I groaned quietly as I felt my stomach churn. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a few times so my vision would clear up. I looked up and saw that I was lying in bed. How did I get in bed? Last thing I remember is feeling a sharp pain in my stomach like I was being stabbed with a knife before tasting copper and blacking out. I licked my dry lips as I slowly sat up, groaning in pain a second time. I rubbed my head, trying to sooth the pain from the headache I had. I rubbed my temples gently before looking around the room. 

I saw the rope that was used to hold me to the chair was hanging loosely off of it, the belt that was put into my mouth was now on the floor, and Alexis’ phone was on my right night stand. I saw that there was a sticky note on it, and I picked it up, reading the message on it.

‘We figured out what was wrong with you. Castiel said that the syringe didn’t work completely, so he gave us something that will turn you completely back to normal, and then you should be fine. Use your phone to text Niall when you finish reading this. Just tell him you’re awake or something.


I put the sticky note down before grabbing my phone, which was right next to Alexis’ off the nightstand and opened it up, texting Niall to let him now I’m awake. 

Alexis said to text you when I’m awake…so I’m awake.-Zayn

Alright, I’ll come up and bring you down.-Niall

I put my phone back on the nightstand and waited for Niall to come and help me downstairs. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and walking down the hall towards my door. Soon the door opened revealing Niall, who looked quite relieved to see that I was awake. I looked up at him as he sighed out in what must be relief, and ran a hand through his hair. 

“Glad you’re finally awake. You’ve been out for a day.” Niall says. My eyes immediately widen.

“A day? Seriously?” I ask. Niall nods slowly, frowning slightly.

“Yeah, you were really starting to worry us. What do you remember anyway?” He asked while crossing his arms over his chest as he waited for my answer.

“Um…I remember…feeling a pain in my stomach like I was being stabbed with a knife before tasting copper in my mouth then blacking out.” I answered. Niall took in a breath and nodded, walking towards me.

“Come on, let’s get you downstairs.” Niall said as he helped me stand up. My knees gave out and I almost fell, but Niall caught me before I did. “I see that you still can’t walk.” He said. I looked down and nodded a little before Niall and I slowly made our way out of my room, down the hall, and then down the stairs. Once we made it to the bottom Niall helped me into the kitchen, him having to be slow since I was barely even limping. I kept groaning every now and then from all the pain that was shooting through my body, so I wasn’t surprised when we finally arrived in the kitchen to see that everyone was staring at us.

Niall brought me over to the island where the barstools were and let go of me so I could get on. Once he let go I felt my legs give out and I started to tumble towards the ground. Before my body could make contact with the ground I felt a pair of arms holding me. I looked up to see Niall holding me up again. “Thanks.”

“Alright, let’s get ya up there.” He said as he helped me stand and get onto the barstool, making sure that I didn’t fall backwards. He grunted as I nearly fell back a few times. A few grunts left my mouth as well. I think my whole body has literally gone almost completely limp. I can’t even hold myself up anymore. “There ya go.” He said as he finally got me balanced properly on the barstool so that I wouldn’t fall off of it. 

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