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Hey guys! I just wanted to thank you all.

You guys put up with my slow updates for this book and I'm sorry that I annoyed you guys.

I really enjoyed writing this series (not as much near the end, but I still had fun) and I can't believe that it's finally over. Oh and just to let you guys know, I've decided that there's not gonna be an epilogue. It's just too much and I find where I ended it is perfect.

Anyway, I love you guys and appreciate everything you did.

I really hope you guys enjoyed the story of Alexis Winchester as much as I did. Although looking back on my first book compared to the second one, the first book was really cheesy. I wrote it when I was twelve though so yeah...I also feel that I've matured as I wrote this and so has my writing so I hope you guys liked it.

Once again, thank you guys for everything and I hope you guys liked it. Please feel free to check out my other 1D/Supernatural crossover if you haven't and my Louis Tomlinson fan fic.

Love you guys!


P.S. I'm graduating from grade 8 this Wednesday and I'm really excited. I'm starting high school next year!

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