Chapter Twenty Six

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Alexis’ P.O.V

I was beyond angry. I was still mad at Louis for trying to take advantage of me last night. Even though he was drunk and he didn’t know what he was doing, I still have a right to be mad. I’m also really mad at Harry since he tried to almost rape Cali. I know he was drunk as well, but he actually got her clothes off unlike Louis who only tried to convince me to. And Harry slapped Cali as well when she tried to stop him. Louis did the same to me. He promised that he wouldn’t hit her again! I don’t care if he was drunk and he didn’t know what he was doing. He still did it. Cali’s pretty mad at Harry as well. I swear they better watch their backs, because if they even think about doing something like that again, they will regret it even more than they will now. We’re not plotting revenge on them, we’re just going to ignore them and snap at them whenever they try to talk to us. They owe us both one hell of an apology. I know Louis did say sorry, but that wasn’t good enough. 

I know that I should be madder at Louis than at Harry, but this was the first time Louis’ done something like this to me, besides the time he was possessed by the demon. But the demon made him do that and Louis wasn’t able to stop what was happening. I’m actually madder at Harry that at Louis, because Harry had slapped Cali before when he promised not to. I still remember that day. It was the day Harry had called me and told me he didn’t know where he was, then later I figured out that he was possessed and that the demon made him try to kill Mary the night before. I remember how Harry freaked out and when Cali followed him upstairs he snapped at her and slapped her in the face. He regretted it afterwards, but I still gave him a warning by flipping him onto the floor. Harry promised her that he wouldn’t do that to her again, and yet he did.

I twisted my water bottle open and took a sip from it before twisting the cap back on and placing the bottle down in front of me. Cali and I were sitting on the barstools at the island in the kitchen. I looked over at her. She kept looking around frantically, her eyes bolting in different directions. She was probably keeping an eye out for Harry so that if he came in she could try to get away from him as quick as possible. I noticed how her eyes were duller than usual. They looked more like a gray now instead of their usual blue-green. Her long dirty blonde hair was tied up into a ponytail, and she was still wearing what she wore last night – a pair of gray pajama bottoms and a black tank top. 

She looked up at me and I felt myself frown. I felt really bad for what had happened between her and Harry. I knew she was still shaken up from it. He did nearly rape her after all. It doesn’t matter if he’s her boyfriend; he was trying to force her to have sex, so technically it’s a rape. She looked away from me again and looked down at her hands, twiddling her thumbs. The sound of two pairs of footsteps broke the silence as we both tensed up, hoping that it wasn’t Harry, Louis, or both of them. We looked over at the doorway to the kitchen and relaxed when we saw that it was just Liam and Niall. Niall looked pretty tired since he had dark bags under his eyes and looked a little pale. He was most likely hung-over because of last night.

Liam and Niall looked up at us, both of them giving us small smiles. “Morning girls.” Liam said.

“Morning guys,” I say, giving them a small smile before looking over at Cali who was once again looking down at her hands, playing with her thumbs.

“Morning,” Cali said quietly. Liam walked over to the fridge while Niall sat down next to me and across from Cali at the island. He looked over at Cali and frowned, his eyebrows furrowing together in confusion.

“What’s wrong, Cali? You look a little pale.” Niall said, concern filling his tone. Cali panicked for a moment before looking up at Niall.

“Speak for yourself. How bad is the hangover?” Cali asked, trying to draw the attention away from her.

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