Chapter Twenty Eight

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Liam’s P.O.V

I wandered down the crowded streets, looking for the different Cafés in any sign of Harry. I was really worried about him. I was scared to find out if he is possessed or not. He most likely is, unfortunately. I wonder why though that she made us go look for him by ourselves. That isn’t like her. I know that she isn’t possessed because she has the anti-possession charm on her chest like Cali. Maybe she trusts us more now? I don’t know anymore. I’m just hoping that Harry isn’t possessed. I really don’t want to go through that again. I still remember the last time that happened when it was with Louis. God, his screams still haunt me in nightmares. Every time I think about demons I think about that night, and that’s something I don’t like thinking about. But I’m pretty sure that my hopes won’t come true.

I turned the corner and started walking down 16th Street. I looked around at the people walking up and down the sidewalk. Some of them were mothers and fathers with their children, holding their hands so they wouldn’t lose them on the busy streets. A thin layer of snow was on the sidewalk, different footprints scattered all around and there were small piles of snow by the edge of the sidewalk, closest to the road. Snowplows probably made them. I kept my head low, not wanting to risk being seen by any fans or paparazzi. I love my fans and I don’t mind taking picture for the press, but now just isn’t the time due to the current situation we’re in. I just need to find Harry. We need to find him. We have to. If he really is possessed by a demon then who knows what the demon could make him do…It could make him do anything.

I hesitantly looked up at the sky to see it becoming a shade of orange. Squinting when the light shined in my eyes, I looked down and blinked a few times, clearing up my vision. Once my vision had cleared up again I started to walk once again, looking from side to side for any sign of Harry. I looked inside shops through windows, but found no sign of Harry. Where is he? I’m starting to get even more worried then I was before, being concerned not just for the civilian’s safety, but Harry’s as well. Yeah, a demon can hurt others badly but when Louis was back to normal again he was in a lot of pain and wasn’t himself for a while. 

Hell, he still doesn’t seem like he’s completely himself now

A cold gush of wind blew in my direction, sending goosebumps up and down my arms. I clung onto the jacket and held it closer to my body, trying to preserve as much body heat as I could. It was freezing outside! It oddly felt a little colder than it usually did here. I shivered before dropping the thought and looking up at a café sign. Boca Café, the sign said in big and bold letters. For a moment I debated whether to go in or not. It was freezing out, and I did tell the boys I would check out the local café’s. Might as well not lie to them and just check it out.

I pressed my hand against the door handle and pushed the door open. Instantly I was met with a warm breeze and the sound of people chatting. I looked around to see round wooden tables spread out evenly and rectangular tables for four people to sit at against the walls on the left and right. A few lights hung from the ceiling being held up by cables. Near the back was a counter with a display case of some of the things they have and a cash register in the right-hand corner. A man stood there, looking bored and uninterested in his work. His dark skin blended in with the walls, making his work uniform stand out a little. His black buzz-cut hair matched the color of his work shirt. It was a simple black T-shirt with a silver nametag on it. 

His dark eyes roamed around the café when they suddenly landed on me. I had a quick mental panic, fearing that he would recognize me, but fortunately he didn’t. Although he did some sort of creepy smirk for a quick second before the bored expression returned to his face. That was weird. I mentally sighed in relief when he didn’t recognize me. I wasn’t in the mood to be surrounded by fans. I walked over the counter, and the boy straightened up once he saw I was coming over.

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