Chapter Forty Five

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“Are we almost there yet?” I ask anxiously. Dean looks at me through the rear-view mirror and lets out a puff of air.

“Almost,” he says.

I sigh in frustration and run a hand through my hair. The anxiety is killing me!

“We’ll make it, Alexis,” Sam says reassuringly once he notices my worry.

“How do you know for sure?” I snap, not meaning for my tone to be as harsh as it was. Sam frowns and shakes his head. He turns around in his seat to look at me. His hazel eyes search my blue-green ones intently.

“I just know.”

I scoff. “Yeah, like that’s gonna hel-” I start but stop when I feel the familiar sharp pain in my head. I gasp and rub my forehead, squeezing my eyes shut. “Oh God.”

“What? What is it?” Dean asks in a slightly panicked voice.

“M-My head…” I whine while pinching the bridge of my nose. God I hate when this happens.

“Alexis? Alexis, talk to me!” I hear Sam’s voice but it’s faded now. The only thing I can hear is a sort of static noise, blocking my hearing completely. My vision slowly begins to fade away. I open my mouth to answer him, but all that comes out is a strangled whine. My head falls onto the window and I look around, trying to make out something clearly, but soon my vision fades completely.

Niall slowly walks into the kitchen, humming the chorus of ‘Live While We’re Young’ to himself. His hand reaches out to the light switch and flicks it on. The dark room lights up immediately. Continuing to hum, Niall walks over to the fridge and pulls out an apple for himself and another for Harry, in case he was hungry. He had been sleeping for a few hours now, so Niall wouldn’t be surprised if he was hungry.

Niall frowned as he recalled the events earlier that day, when he, Liam and Zayn found Harry surrounded by shards of the broken mirror, bleeding, and a shocked Louis staring down at him. He didn’t really know how to feel about Louis at the moment. What Louis did was certainly not like him, and it was shocking to see what he had done. Never had Niall thought that Louis would do such a thing to one of his brothers. It was just unlike him.

Although Louis hasn’t really been the same lately, has he?

As Niall made his way out of the kitchen and into the hall, the lights all went off, leaving him in complete darkness. Profanities began leaving Niall’s mouth as made his way back into the kitchen, using his phone as a light, and looking thorough the drawers for a flashlight. Once he found it, he began to make his way down to the basement.

But what Niall didn’t know was that he was being watched from the window. 

The man watched with his black as night eyes as Niall made his way down the stairs and into the basement. He smirked and disappeared for a moment, only to reappear seconds later in the basement. But Niall didn’t know he was there; he wouldn’t be able to see him even if the lights were on. 

Niall’s eyes followed the dim light from the flashlight as he searched for the power box. Once he found it he stumbled over to it and opened it up. Niall began flicking different switches, hoping that one would make the lights go back on, but to his luck, nothing worked. A huff left his lips and he slammed the box shut. This made the man smirk, and he decided that it was time to make himself known.

“Hey Niall.”

Niall shrieked and spun around, holding the flashlight in front of him, but he sighed in relief when he realized who it was.

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