Chapter Forty One

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Liam sighed and grabbed Niall’s arm when he got up to follow Louis. Niall looked at him questioningly, but Liam just shook his head. 

“Just let him go. He needs time to think,” Liam said. Niall hesitantly nodded and sat back down. Harry let out a wince and Liam frowned down at Harry. “C’mon, we should go to the hospital to see if you need stitches.” Harry nodded and Zayn and Liam helped him stand. “Niall, get something for him to put on his leg so he doesn’t bleed out on the way to the hospital.” Niall nodded and ran to the bathroom down the hall, returning less than a minute later with a face cloth. Harry took it and applied it to his leg, wincing when it came in contact with his leg. Liam and Zayn carried Harry down the hall and down the stairs before they put their shoes on and brought him over to Liam’s car. They laid him in the back and Niall sat there with him while Liam got in the drivers seat and Zayn sat in the passengers seat. Liam shoved the key in and started the ignition before they drove off to the hospital.


“Well Mr. Styles, it looks like you will need stitches. Luckily the glass did not go too deep into your leg, so you won’t need that many,” Doctor Morrison said as examined the wound. Harry nodded and looked over at Niall and Liam who were on Harry’s right. They smiled reassuringly at him and nodded. “You just stay like that and I’ll be back in a moment,” the doctor said before exiting the room. Liam sat down in the chair next to Harry’s bed.

“At least your leg will be alright,” Liam said.

“Yeah, but I can’t do anything too active for the rest of the week, so that kind of sucks,” Harry said.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine,” Niall said. Harry nodded just as the doctor returned with a nurse following and some medical equipment.

“Would you boys like to stay for this?” He asked. They nodded and the doctor smiled before he put on a new pair of medical gloves and started to set up. “Now Harry, I’m going to give you an anesthetic so you won’t feel anything, alright? Then you will need some Vicodin afterwards for the pain,” the doctor said before he began his work. 

He took a needle and injected the anesthetic on his upper thigh, and Harry felt his leg going numb. He laid on his stomach for a while, waiting for the doctor to start with the stitches. Harry looked up to see it had been almost ten minutes since he was injected and he ruffled his eyebrows together.

“Are you gonna start?” Harry asked. 

“We already have. We’re almost done,” Doctor Morrison said causing Harry’s eyes to widen. Harry laid on the bed for a couple more minutes before the doctor said, “Alright, your stitches are done. I’ll just give you some Vicodin now.” Doctor Morrison helped Harry roll onto his back and sit up before he gave Harry a pill and a glass of water. Harry took the pill and swallowed it before sipping the water. “Now you’ll probably feel drowsy and dizzy, and there will be some strange behavior, but other than that you’re fine. If you’d like to go home you can, just come back a week from today to have your stitches removed.” Harry smiled and nodded before the doctor left, along with the nurse. Harry looked around, wondering where Liam had went, when he came back in with a wheel chair.

“Zayn, Niall, help him into the chair,” Liam said. Niall and Zayn nodded and carefully picked up Harry and placed him gently in the chair before Liam wheeled him out of the room and down the hall.

As they made their way towards the front entrance, Harry could hear the fans screams, and groaned. He placed a hand to his forehead and looked around the hallway. Everything was spinning and he couldn’t see straight, causing him to sigh in frustration. When they got to the front entrance, they were surprised to see Paul standing there while other body guards were blocking the doorway so the fans couldn’t get in.

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