Chapter 257

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This kiss was far too wanton and intimate.

After being bound by his rationality and responsibility for years, with her return to Seoul, his restraint gradually weakened, and, by now, he was barely holding on.

The man had nowhere to vent his stifled heart. The fear from almost watching her die rose as they kissed intimately. In his entire life, he had never experienced such a feeling. When the dust had finally settled on everything he had personally pushed away, he wanted to take it all back, yet it was so difficult. There was no way even to begin.

At this moment, he had completely lost control over his own emotions. He no longer cared about the past.

He loved her, and that was it.

What was lost had to be regained.

The unrestrained, passionate kiss pressed against her lips harshly, causing her body to become hypersensitive. Jennie was tightly held against the wall, the noise of the shower by her ears. It wasn't clear if the droplets on her face were water or tears. She could barely breathe, and her aching body was turning numb. All of her senses gradually faded, and all she knew was the man embracing her tightly against the wall.

In the past three years, Lisa had lived like a monk in self-denial. He planned for her once dilapidated and destroyed life, and when his efforts finally began to bear fruit, he let go. He let her grow as she pleased. He did not visit her, nor did he ask about her. He suppressed and restrained himself, and yet with the woman's return, all of his control was destroyed.

Like an ignorant child who was experiencing love for the first time, he would carefully approach. After being pushed away, he would approach again. His mind understood and told him that it was unlikely that this woman would ever return to his arms in this lifetime. It told him that he should let go. But his body wouldn't listen.

He told himself not to approach but saw the radiance she had blossomed into at the seaside resort. He saw her engage others with frowns and smiles, while she maintained a cold expression and firm distance with him; even though he was once the closest to her.

He did not plan on accepting the government's plan to build a stadium, but upon seeing JM Group's name, he signed on the document he was supposed to refuse.

He had visited a cafe for a meeting with a business partner but had to watch as another's man's mother held her hands and smiled at her radiantly, as though she was her daughter-in-law. He watched as a jade bangle was placed on her wrist.

That night, after the business meeting, he wasn't sure how he had driven the car to her place. Before the blackout, he went upstairs but saw that she had yet to return home. As he gazed downstairs, through her phone brightness, he was able to look into the car and watched as the man stole a kiss from her cheek. Her expression as she sat dumbstruck in the car was truly moving.

And all of the restraint he had been struggling to maintain was ignited.

He did not only lose control once.

Each time, the loss of control caused his rationality to chip away slowly.

The woman he treasured and loved the most had become the woman he could not touch. These were the lips he had desired the most but could only half-heartedly steal with the excuse of alcohol.

It was soft, like his heart when he loved her.

Three years of loss. It was impossible to recover everything with one kiss. Jennie's hair was scattered across her shoulders. A few strands wrapped around her neck, like seaweed, and got in the way. Her breathing was frantic, and she leaned against his embrace, breathing with difficulty.

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