Chapter 344

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K drove straight ahead at almost a racing speed. He drove so fast that the wheels screeched from time to time.

Jennie didn't want to see Lisa so sad. She swallowed the blood back and raised her hand to touch his face, trying to turn him back into that powerful man that had everything in his control and trying to make him happy, but she was so weak that she couldn't even raise her hand.

Lisa immediately took her hand and put her bloody hand onto his face. Jennie had never seen him so flustered. His body and face were stained with her blood.

But he was still so handsome...

Jennie, leaning against his chest, smiled.

Feeling Lisa's hands carefully supporting her back, she felt that his arms were the safest place in the world.

At least, in this life, she wouldn't die alone but in his arms.

But she was also sad because Lisa would be left alone in the world...

It was so quiet in the car. K remained silent and concentrated on driving, almost frantically.

It was so quiet in the car that it seemed that there were only Lisa and Jennie in the car. Lisa didn't speak but kept wiping the blood gusting out of Jennie's mouth. He held her tightly because of what Jennie had just said, and his eyes that were always calm were all bloodshot. Jennie lay in his arms and didn't speak either. She was really tired, and it really hurt. Feeling her strength draining away, she gradually felt numb and couldn't even feel the pain.

Lisa had managed to find her back only three hours after Atuta kidnapped her. Although she was covered with wounds and might even die in his arms, at least she was free from fear and torment now. She really appreciated him.

She appreciated that he tried so hard to save her and also for all the other things he had done for her.

Jennie gradually stopped swallowing blood. Lisa clenched her hand that was put on his face and said hoarsely, "Please, stay with me."

But Jennie really couldn't open her eyes. She had a vague feeling that he was kissing her eyes, pinching her jaw, and even pressed on her philtrum, to force her to open eyes. She used all her strength but could only frown and said in a voice so light that he had to put his ear to her mouth to hear. "It really hurts... What can I do to stop the pain... The worst thing in life is not to die... but to die twice..."

Lisa lowered his eyes to look at the little woman who was almost bathed in blood, shouting hoarsely and angrily, "Jennie, open your eyes! Hold on for me! Look at me! Do you hear me? Open your eyes!"

Jennie's eyelids twitched. Lisa put her feeble hand onto his face but her fingers had stopped moving.


Her eyes were closed and she no longer moved. Her frowned brows loosened and her consciousness was gone little by little as the blood drained away.

"Jennie! Stay with me!"




"K! Hurry up!"

K looked at them in the rearview mirror as he drove. When he saw that Jennie didn't move at all, he wanted to say something to comfort him, but when he saw Lisa's eyes, his heart trembled and he couldn't utter a word.

He had never seen such a look in Mr. Manoban's eyes. He seemed to be begging him to drive faster.

K stepped on the gas hard. Fortunately, the pedestrians and vehicles on the road had been cleared off ten minutes ago. He accelerated the car to the extreme and raced on the road...

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