Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 41

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There was an unnatural calm over the village of Bellumisa tonight with even the wind barely rustling the leaves in the trees. Up above in the sky like a judgmental eye the moon stared down at the world and bathed it in gentle light. The nights were getting colder as autumn had begun, though the cool in the air was nothing compared to the chill of the grave.

Remus had been waiting at home while the warriors were out culling the horrific skeletons in the distant forest. With the report of the demon mage appearing the elders of the village had sent at least twenty of their greatest fighters, something that was unprecedented. The previous culling teams had only been around six strong and had been able to deal with the undead menace easily.

Suddenly the night air was filled with spine chilling howls, the mournful sounds echoing throughout the pines carried by the wind. In response many of the villagers emerged from their homes in confusion, looking towards the woods as in awaiting answers to their questions.

Remus also came out of his house along with his mother and turned to face the forest. Those howls were anything but good and he wanted to be there to hear any developments about the situation. Considering the demon mage's involvement however he didn't think the news would be good.

There at the edge of the treeline large shapes could be seen bounding through the foliage, their forms flickering in and out between shadow and moonlight. They were headed straight for the village, their bulky looking bodies covered in a thick layer of fur. No one seemed the least bit concerned however, after all why should they be?

With a snarl the first of the creatures burst forth from the bushes like a thunderbolt and came to a skidding halt at the edge of the village. It was a monstrous wolf with matted black fur and a huge drooling mouth, its back arched up in a unnatural way as its paws dug into the dirt. Then right behind it came another one, this one with gray fur and a stockier build. Several more came careening out of the trees until there were at least ten of them.

Then the biggest of the group pushed itself backwards and upwards, standing up almost twice as tall as a man on its oddly jointed back legs. Its eyes were filled with fury and determination as its mouth opened with sharp teeth to speak.

"Where are those damn elders?" its low voice demanded.

Remus recognized that voice. It was one of the strongest warriors in the village, a man by the name of Markku Kepple. He was a proud man who was a force to behold both in his human form and while transfigured by his curse. What was he doing back here with these others? Where were the rest of them?

Surely wondering the same thing the villagers had begun to form a gathering at the edge of the buildings, the ruckus and noise waking up anyone who slept during the night. The mere fact alone that the culling team was back at the village this early in the night was cause for concern in itself.

One of the village elders appeared at the forefront of this gathering, a man in his sixties by the name of Eledue Harker. His hair was short and white, his short beard the same. It was almost comical seeing such an old man acting so brazen, though even in his old age he wasn't a weakling.

He walked up to the formidable Markku. The transformed lycanthrope towering above the average man.

"Explain yourself! What are you and these other hunters doing back so early?"

Markku bowed slightly in respect, though it was awkward while a wolf. His voice was both sorrowful and full of underlying rage.

"Elder I regret to inform you we've been defeated..."

The gathered villagers were taken aback with gasps and shrieks cropping up across them as they heard this news. It was unthinkable and some couldn't believe it. One of the men standing by stepped forward and shouted angrily.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now