Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 54

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Once again the time for political negotiation had come. Here in the capital city Norlov with the weakening Autumn sun hanging in the sky overhead. The wind was cold as it whistled through the many buildings of the city and swept debris up to swirl around in the air. There at Castle Korchock in the middle of the proud city the crown prince Turshok Ferenik waited for his chance to entreat with the goddess of the land. His aspirations were hidden from the world deep inside his heart, though he couldn't hide them from the goddess.

The prince was pacing back and forth in the middle of the meeting chamber, something I could tell from even far away due to my goddess zone map. Unlike his father who refused to actually worship me this young man did truly believe in me. Thus he appeared on my map as a worshiper and I could track his movements perfectly from wherever I was. His thoughts were thus available to me to a large degree and I carefully studied his intentions before appearing before him.

It seemed Turshok truly did want to talk to me for honorable reasons. Like his father he was arrogant and greedy, lusting for power over others so he could feel the pleasure of being in control. Unlike the father however the son wanted to lead the kingdom into a bright future, something that of course would help feed his own ego as well. Everyone wants to be loved. How much more so a would be king?

One of the young man's mistakes however was expecting his manipulation skills to work on a goddess like me. It seemed he was heavily inspired by his mother the queen to learn how control people through words and other non-physical like extortion. If only he knew I could look into his mind he wouldn't so foolishly believe he could manipulate me at all. Regardless how good his intentions were it just wasn't something I would stand for. Hopefully he'd learn that lesson with grace and the two of us can get along. He has great potential to be an actually good ruler.

The time had come for me to make my appearance and since he was a direct worshiper of mine I could appear directly in the room he was in with no problems. This is what I did. The magic circle appeared in the air and slid down over my body, teleporting me into the large room near the closed main doors. When I appeared I was leaning against the door with my arms crossed over my chest.

Turshok had taken a moment to even notice the portal appearing due to its lack of sound but when he did he became quite uneasy. Of course he was full of dread having to talk to the goddess one on one, though he was the one that initiated this idea. He had no one to blame for himself for the situation he was in now. It was just him and a goddess alone in a room. The nerves caused him to sweat and tremble as he watched me appear.

"G-Goddess Jenna!" He stuttered once the portal finished. "P-Please welcome to-" With a stumbled he moved to kneel before me. "Welcome to C-castle Korchock."

I couldn't help but let a giggle escape me as he floundered around in front of me in order to bow. As the sound bounced around the room it tickled the ears of anyone who might have heard it. My left hand lifted up to my mouth and covered it as my body shook a little.

It seemed it was just me and him in the room for real however. The only other human in the immediate area was the guard standing outside the doors, likely one of the prince's trusted aides. It seemed he wanted to keep this conversation private. That worked for me as I wanted to speak to him without any interference.

"Well?" I asked rhetorically. "Are you ready to get this little chat started?"

Turshok stood to his feet and awkwardly straightened himself up, nearly fumbling himself over completely as he struggled to keep balance at first. He looked at me with fear in his eyes, not fear of death but fear of social ramifications. This was ultimately some kind of power play in his mind. He wanted to be on my good side and was terrified of being on my bad side.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now