Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 51

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Small motes of dust danced around in the air of the stuffy room. All around towering bookshelves were laden with musty tomes and various scrolls tied up with ribbons. This was the personal library of the mages in Vinedenne and not a place any outsider was allowed. That is to say any outsider who wasn't a literal goddess. The secret collection of ancient knowledge would normally remain hidden from the world, as the secrecy of those with power usually dictates. However in my particular case gaining admittance was as easy as asking Ferherlyn.

Of course the goddess of knowledge is expected to already know, well everything, but that was obviously not the case. Not everyone knew I was from another world entirely and therefore would have no reason to have per-awareness on everything about this world. Not that they would care if they did, probably still expecting me to know everything. Ferherlyn however was one of the few I trusted enough to let in on my little secret and thankfully he was willing to help me "fake it till I make it" as they say. I'm yet to find out if my trust is a mistake.

Regardless of how I got into this secret library I was here. The fount of its information was now made available to me in full. As for the reason for my being here: it had everything to do with this so called "Demon Mage." Merely asking Ferherlyn about it had gotten me some information immediately as its somewhat of an old legend in these parts. He wasn't all too familiar with the specifics though as there was so much for a lead mage to keep track of. The books with more information in them were easy enough for him to track down however.

From the immediate information he gave me it was revealed that the Demon Mage was some mage from the age of the goddesses. So a very long time ago! No wonder it was considered legend in this age. This individual was extremely powerful in the ways of magic and had enough mana to supposedly defend themselves from actual goddesses. Not in any way best them, that was beyond humans, but to protect oneself from or otherwise escape a goddess was a feat in itself. Their last moments were apparently spent holed up inside their mountainside castle in the very mountains I had appeared in.

After getting this information from Ferherlyn and being led to the library the both of us had scoured the place for more information on this person. Thankfully some tomes were found and I was able to learn more about the Demon Mage of Henjuk. That's right: the mountain range was apparently named after a city that existed there long ago. A city that was wiped off the map by this mage's magic. The exact reasoning for why he did this was not entirely known, but it was widely known that the people were raised as undead creatures after the city's destruction.

The books keep calling this person a he, meaning a male mage. That meant that this current "demon mage" was nothing more than a fake, someone who had not a fraction of the original namesake's power. They were probably using the feared title in order to cause more fear in potential opponents. A reasonable tactic. Name stealing or "copycatting" was pretty common even where I came from, especially when it came to crime or deeds of evil.

This information alone was enough to handle the situation but of course that wasn't enough for me. I wanted to know more about this guy or at least his name. Ferherlyn was currently looking for a book that had mention of his name in it while I looked though a stack of books in front of me.

Newly disturbed dust swirled into the air as the old man scooped another book off a creaky shelf. He wiped off the front cover and coughed before turning my way.

"You know goddess" he said smiling. "I haven't been in this library for many years. I've forgotten how enjoyable it is to be lost in reading. To be learning forgotten things."

I was currently flipping through a book on the types of magic. My chin in my right hand as it propped me up on the table.


My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now