Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 74

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With the weather as terrible as it was outside at the moment it was hard to believe that there was still one more week before winter officially began. The seasons however never adhered to a strict schedule such as the human calendar. Horribly frigid winds swirled around the city, rushing between the buildings of the capital Norlov like angry banshees. Then there was the icy rain that spattered down upon the streets and created a variable slush of miserable puddles.

Thankfully for the goddess, that being me, and my escort of the day this horrible weather wasn't a problem. Like many of the rich and powerful we had a very sturdy and warm castle to protect us from the elements. If only everyone in the kingdom could be so lucky. Regardless I was here on an important social visit. The king had invited me to dinner with his family and I had invited my champion Jagger along so he could get used to such events.

Sadly the price I actually liked wasn't the one to invite me, though I figure he was involved with the invitation somehow. Probably he had suggested it and his father did the actual inviting due to his position as king. Made sense and all. The other family members to be attending were the king himself and his wife Sashui. I didn't like that woman and I couldn't quite pin down why.

At the moment we were all sitting in the rather fancy dining room of the castle. While it wasn't the great hall it was still grand, perhaps taking up the breadth and width of a typical basketball court. There were plenty of pleasant tapestries on the walls and a couple suits of armor set up for decoration purposes. The table and chairs were ornate, made from the highest quality wood and carved with pleasant curves in their design. There was also a large fireplace in the room that was currently alive with a blaze of glorious flame.

For victuals we had quite the verity, all arranged in an organized chaos along the length of the table which itself was the size of the largest bed you might see in the king's chambers. First were the meats which were typical for the hunting in the area. Namely venison, quail, and even a pinch of fish. I liked my proteins smoked but these were roasted which was also fine. Then for the vegetables we had things such as baked potatoes, celery, and beets among other staple crops.

Food fit for a king would not be complete without sweet things as well. Thus we had a small selection of fruits as well, mostly baked into pies and tarts of course. This is how the people in this tech level could enjoy such delicate things as fruits out of season, a feat normally impossible without refrigeration. Even your cellar under the house isn't going to keep fruit fresh, thus the pickling and baking of it. Jams were also a big deal which we had a couple berryations of for our bread.

Oh and who could forget dessert? The before mentioned tarts of fruit were certainly the mainstays of such treats, though we did also have preserved fruits that had been soaked in a brine of sugar water or slathered in so much honey they just couldn't go bad. Honey was a big aspect of dessert in this world due to its almost inability to go bad ever. I mean seriously honey was basically immune to decomposition, at least as far as they were concerned.

All this tasty food would be nothing without drinks to wash it down however. There was water available of course though few would consider that a beverage. Milk was something you could get in small quantities and there was plenty of wine to drown yourself in as well. Children were totally allowed to drink wine due to it being safer than water, something that stemmed from the lack of proper water filtration, though I decided against it personally.

As a goddess I'm immune to poison which meant I couldn't get drunk. Though still I felt a goddess shouldn't be partaking in drink for appearances sake. I got by fine with water which some might feel made me appear to mock the rich as I was lowering myself to the level of the poorest commoner. This perception was merely a bonus for me at this point, as I was the goddess of the common man just the same as the rich.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now