Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 64

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Another day another barely averted disaster. Not more than a day after dealing with the aftermath of the escaped vampire than a monster attacked one of the small villages to the northern boarder. It wasn't anything too crazy however, just an abnormally large bear that had wandered down from whatever mountain crag it normally lived in. It was dealt with by chasing it away again, something a two-hundred foot tall girl could easily do. Lots of praise and worship for me from the villagers afterwards of course. Good stuff.

After that situation I was allowed to go back home to my castle and think a bit while answering other prayers. The topic which weighed on my mind most being the issue of Yoko and the vampire. Thankfully the mage's condition wasn't worsening and it seemed his personality was stable. Whatever had happened with him and the vampire it caused some serious trauma for him. Even Ferherlyn had been shocked at the state he was in.

There was a brief explanation for the head mage about what I knew was going on and he was given instructions to take Yoko under his care. Basically while Yoko was out of commission for however long he would be hidden away for all intensive purposes for his own protection. There was a childlike air about him which could easily be taken advantage of. I told them both I'd come visit as often as I could until he was capable enough to operate on his own again. This wrapped up that situation pretty nicely though I wondered how that man ended up the way he was in the first place.

My prayer answering and thoughts were interrupted when a particularly interesting prayer came in. It was one of the servants in the castle of the royal family. He was praying for a meeting to go well today. Apparently some merchants from a foreign kingdom were coming for a visit with the king to discuss things, from the kingdom to the north called Pheoa specifically. This kind of potentially juicy political drama and just general information gathering was something I couldn't resist. So without further refrain I portaled myself over to Norlov Castle.

Because I can see the location and movement of every human or living thing with goddess vision it was super easy to portal in someplace nearby the foreign merchants. They were the two people I didn't immediately recognize the souls of which made them stick out. So after I appeared in the hallway behind where they were walking I just waited and watched them walk down the hallway.

There were two men and they had a small escort of castle guards to take them to the meeting hall. Obviously they wouldn't be wandering through the castle alone. They also each had a large buff looking man in full plate armor along with them which were clearly personal bodyguards. Their dress was also pretty typical of rich merchants what with the flowing robes and fancy jewelry.

The one on the left was apparently named Zellmo. He was in his mid thirties and had short gray hair. His eyes were green and his skin pink. The other one was a man in his forties with curly black hair. He had brown eyes and tan skin. Neither of them were especially fat or thin and looked pretty average overall. If they were from Pheoa then they had traveled a very long distance to get here. You don't make that kind of journey without something big in mind, like meeting with the king as they were now.

Once they had made it down the hallway to the door of the meeting room I ran up behind them as quiet as could be and just stood there behind them waiting for the doors to open. The castle guards went wide eyed at the sight of me and I just smiled and winked at them, giving them the hush gesture by way of my finger over my lips. Both of the merchant's guards noticed me as well but ignored me due to my stature.

The doors opened and the castle guards showed the foreign guests in with my walking in innocently behind them. Inside the room at the huge wooden table the king Alphonse was already sitting down with some papers in front of him. Normally a king would have his financial advisor alongside him but he didn't at the moment. While suspicions it wasn't necessarily my business what was going on in his business. He did have at least one servant standing by, a butler who wasn't a worshiper of mine I noticed.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now