Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 58

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Timothy walked through the hastily constructed houses of the village. He pulled his cloak tighter over his shoulders as the cold night air swirled around him in the light wind, the brightly shining moon glaring down from the sky like an angry eye. All around him the dark shadows of a late fall night highlighted his own fears of the unknown, though he ultimately knew he was safe with his goddess nearby.

The people of this village were just as important as any others he understood. The goddess herself, who showed no discrimination on who she accepted as worshipers, having readily accepted them was proof of that. It was still so unnerving and even frightening however to see them wandering around so active at night. That was before the transformed ones presented themselves. Even the women were hulking beasts in their werewolf form that stood as tall or taller than Timothy.

Salferia had been tucked inside the hood of Timothy's cloak, the small fairy resistant to the weather but not wholly immune to the effects of the cold. Her head was still poking out and she continued expressing her condescending attitude towards the people of this village whenever she felt no one else could hear her. It was clear that she had a certain disdain towards humans in general, but the addition of the lupin curse only made her view them in an even more negative light.

Goddess Jenna was currently in a meeting with the elders of the village inside the large structure known as the longhouse. She had said he didn't have to attend right away if he didn't want to as it was all boring talk. Thus he was free to finish helping moving the supply shipment and then join her later. It was important humanitarian work she had said, a word that meant a more complicated version of charity apparently.

This humanitarian work is what Timothy had just finished doing and now he was on the way to the longhouse with his fairy companion in tow. They weren't walking alone either as a couple of the small children were following behind him closely. Timothy didn't mind that much even though it was a bit awkward. Salferia on the other hand liked having them around as children were the one type of human she seemed to actually like in any capacity.

Salferia poked her head further out of the cloak hood and waved happily at the children again. She then sent a shower of colorful sparks from her hand that sprinkled down to the ground and vanished.

The children squealed in excitement and ran through them as if they were falling leaves in the wind. One of them, a young boy, then ran up next to Timothy and tugged on his sleeve.

"Hey mister human! Let us play with your fairy some more please?"

Timothy sighed and continued walking. He looked down to the little boy with a soft smile.

"First of all she isn't my fairy. She's just my friend." He pat the boy on the head. "And we can't play more as we have to meet the goddess."

Salferia crawled up enough to tug on some of Timothy's hair on the back of his head.

"Yeah mister! Lets skip out on the goddess and play some more!" she sounded earnest but seemed to have a sinister undertone to her tone. "She lets you get away with anything doesn't she? Lets see how far we can push it!"

Timothy sighed and reached behind his head to loosen his hair from the tiny tormentor's grip.

"We are not testing Goddess Jenna." He replied firmly. Then he looked around quickly. "Besides we're strangers here. We don't want to impose on the village."

"You're scared of the wolfmen!" Salferia said giggling. "Hand serves a goddess but scared of some cursed humans." Her voice was sing-song as she mocked him. "Cowardly Timmy! Silly little man!"

The young girl who had also been following them ran up on Timothy's other side. She had a confused look on her face as she looked up to the young man.

"Why you scared of us?" she asked. "I not even got my wolf me yet. I'd just be a little hungry is all."

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now