Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 65

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Another chilling late autumn day led into another freezing cold night. The days were getting very short and winter was less than a couple weeks away at this point. Because of this there was little to be done in regards to farming which opened people up for other forms of outside work. Just because the crops had been harvested doesn't mean there wasn't plenty to do! There was firewood to cut, construction projects, repairs to do, and plenty of textile making.

Girls my age would be doing sewing or basket weaving, arts and crafts stuff like that. Well that was if I wasn't a literal goddess anyway. Because of my situation my responsibilities were much greater than just providing upkeep for the family's clothing. I still needed to take some time off though and right now I was doing just that. Well actually I was doing a public relations survey but I considered it relaxing.

One of the important things for a serious ruler is keeping their public image in good standing. After all what good is it to be in charge of a kingdom if the people hate you? Figuring out public perception of oneself when they're famous or powerful can be difficult due to the natural aversion people have to conflict. Thus people are less likely to speak their mind about you to you. Thus I was doing another one of my semi-undercover missions.

Tonight in the cold and the dark I had taken myself to the far north of the kingdom. Here on the very boarder of the neighboring kingdom there was one of many small towns, this one going by the name of Frelesh Broad. A strange name perhaps but it was what they had chosen for themselves. Due to its location it actually had people living in it from both Celuduun and Pheoa, as to be expected of a place stuck between two large kingdoms.

It was due to this unique population makeup that I had chosen to come here for a visit. The people here are the furthest from the capital and would feel themselves most independent from the royal family. Also while they are in the same province I had appeared in they likely are the least educated on my existence, or if they do know about me care little due to the same reason. Most certainly wouldn't know what I look like. So with just a simple clothing change I could blend in and listen in on what others might think about me.

Here I was this cold night, wrapped in a large brown cloak and sitting down in the local tavern. Children being in taverns isn't entirely out of the ordinary, but someone that appeared my age being out this late certainly was. The way I got around this was by claiming to be an orphan which quickly dismissed any major concerns most people had for me. A somewhat understandable but still deeply saddening reaction in this day and age.

I was sitting at one of the tables at the far wall of the tavern closest to the big fireplace. The flames within were cackling brightly as the warmth filled the large room. The main floor was about the size of a basketball court and had many tables and chairs arranged around it. This late at night there were few patrons. Currently besides me there were about ten or so men of various ages here for the latest of late night drinks.

Miya and I were having a small conversation about what my public perception may or may not be while I sat there in the glow of the fire and watched the men. They were drinking and joking around with each other about various things, but also talking about some of the rising tensions between the two kingdoms. It was true what they said about peace being an abnormal state of affairs. None of them were mentioning the goddess however.

One of the smaller men, a guy with short blonde hair and gruff face, had been looking over at me on occasion. Whenever he looked over I instinctively turned my gaze away but he had caught me staring at them twice now. Despite trying to keep a low profile it seemed with this guy I had failed to remain unnoticed. He had finally had enough it seemed.

He stood up from the small group of guys and walked over to the table I was sitting at, his tankard of ale still in his right hand. His left hand slammed down on the table and he leaned in over me. He was clearly drunk.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now