Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 43

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Being a goddess isn't easy, something I'm constantly reminded of everyday. Today to continue in my efforts to be benevolent I was attending a crop inspection in the city of Bathtwana. It was that place I had been involved with the children and the shop owner whom I actually avoided this time around from sheer embarrassment. Being here in my official goddess capacity always made me feel nervous around people I had casually interacted with before.

Today was a pretty nice autumn day with a easterly wind and plenty of sunlight. Not too hot and not too cold. Bathtwana was a major breadbasket of the kingdom and the vast plains around it supplied plentiful farmland for growing crops. Thus the goddess was inclined to come and see the fields just before harvest and give her blessings or whatever. So here stood the goddess on the platform overseeing the plains where samples of each crop were gathered.

Timothy was along for the ride as well, though it was for moral support more than anything. Honestly having someone around I can just take with me places did put me more at ease because I didn't feel alone in this anymore. Of course it would've been Miya but she had to be with me in another way these days, namely inside my head. For their parts however both of them were still happy to accompany me and give me their input.

Luckily my mana was overflowing more and more these days due to the increasing number of people in the kingdom becoming my worshipers. It was getting to the point I could do pretty much anything I wanted and it was even kinda starting to scare me. Because of this continual increase of divine power it was actually a pretty simple thing to bless the crops of this large stretch of land. Health and vibrant growth could be imbued into the crops with the application of plant magic.

However while I was busy blessing a field I got a very strange prayer. Of course the prayer feed was always there in the back of my mind for me to see at all times, but my attention wasn't perfectly divisible and I still relied on Sub-chan to give me heads up on things. This was one of those occasions. "If you want to know how to avoid death as a goddess come visit me." That was the prayer and it was coming from villagers in Doovlin.

Of course that wasn't the only thing they were praying as mysteriously they were also just asking for me to show up and help them. A quick scan of the map floating in my vision confirmed they were in the inn at the village and there was some strange soul reading in there with them. This required my immediate attention. Thankfully from the looks of it there wasn't any immediate danger.

With a quick spin on my heels I walked over to the officials of the ceremony. They were still inspecting some of the produce as I finished blessing the fields. Having me around had made them nervous but at this point most people were just kinda scared of me and generally didn't collapse into puddles of pathetic groveling at the sight of me. The jury is still out on whether this was a good or bad thing.

"Hey guys!" I said sharply. "Somethings come up. I'm finished with the fields anyway so I'm gunna go. Good?"

None of them made any attempts to stop me and one of the taller men just nodded.

"Y-Yes goddess. Thank you for everything."

Hearing and seeing me prepare to leave brought Timothy hurrying over where he stopped behind me.

"Goddess! You're going somewhere?"

I turned around halfway so I wasn't quite facing him and waved my left hand in the air.

"Yeah something important."

He stepped up closer to me with a look of desperation on his face.

"Please take me with you!"

It was pretty common for me to leave him places while I went off to take care of things. Not that he was ever in any danger in the places I left him but it was leaving him out to dry. He still got lonely and scared being left in unfamiliar places, even though he knew his goddess wouldn't abandon him. Honestly I get it and I was working on not doing it as much. It did make me feel a little bad.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now