Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 61

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Underground in the depths of the dungeon the air was still and dank. Drip drip drip. The sound of water droplets falling into puddles of water from the stone ceiling above, a sure sign that it had been raining on the surface world as rainwater filtered through the earth. All around the walls were solid stone in colors of brown and gray, the moldy green patches the only splatter of color to be found. Strong iron bars barricaded in the cramped cells that lined the hallway. This was the place people came to die, forgotten and alone to waste away in the dark.

Not so was the plight of one particular prisoner: Neske Felelem. The vampiress had already died once before and she wouldn't allow her final death to happen in such a disgusting locale. No. She would escape and flee to her master, get revenge on those that imprisoned her here. It was an affront to her beauty and power, things that should be respected by filthy mortals. How she hated them for their blissful ignorance of the world. How she hated goddesses for loving them.

Here in this castle dungeon she had been locked away for over a week now with no chance of escape in sight. The grimy goddess had done well in enchanting her shackles which prevented her from using any of her usual tricks. She could easily shape shift into something to escape or cast some manner of magic elsewise. These damnable shackles! Though there was a method of escape before her even now.

Yoko, the disgusting user of void magic, was her ticket to freedom. Even the magic of a goddess could be unraveled with the proper application of ruination itself. All order descends into chaos and the goddesses were not immune to the perpetual march of entropy. With his magic these shackles could be destroyed.

Just because the solution was in sight doesn't mean it was simple to follow through on it. Neske was severely crippled in terms of power while bound in this way. Her hypnotic eyes were useless with the suppression of magic. She did however still have her womanly charms, though the half crazed mage was quite resistant to her wiles. Over the last week she had tried to charm him but failed in every instance. Either his mind was too far gone or his dedication to his goddess was too powerful.

Of course there were plenty of other humans around to seduce as the mage couldn't be awake every minute of every day. They were sadly completely useless now as they didn't have the magic to break her chains. It had to be the mage. So with romance having failed she had switched to sympathy instead. Pleading and tears only got you so far with a manic man so instead she had settled on conversation.

Now after an entire week of being alone together for the most part the two had actually come to understand each other to some degree. Mad as he was the poor Yoko was starved for attention from the opposite sex. No one wanted a crazy man who wielded chaotic and dangerous magic. It was through this weakness that Neske was able to worm her way into his heart. For between bouts of madness he had moments of lucidity that allowed his true personality to shine through. Despite his power he was still a mortal. Weak.

What she was waiting for now was for the perfect opportunity to convince him to use magic close to her. Then she could somehow get the chains into the magic and free herself. Today was the day and she had waited until night to come to finally enact this plan. Right now she had the mage sitting down at the table across from her and talking with her. The time was ripe and her patience would soon pay off, she could feel it in her withered heart.

Neske let out a small sigh and tossed her curly red hair out of her face as she looked over to the sickly man.

"You know you're not that bad Yoko." She said with a flirtatious smile. "I suppose it does take a woman as powerful as me to fully understand you though. Human women can't hope to comprehend your magic."

Yoko was sitting in a rather relaxed pose as he had come to be more comfortable around the vampire. The ever perpetual battle between his magically twisted mind and original personality was in a state of perilous conflict in this moment. Beneath that strange look in his eyes there was a yearning for understanding struggling to surface. He sat with his hands on his lap in an almost shy pose.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now